First Day

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"Y/N I swear to god you sleep like a wild animal on hibernation!" Yelled your mom from your room.
You fall of your bed from you mom yelling at you. " Finally you awake now get ready for school before you late for you first day."she said as she walked out of your room. you sighed as you stood up and walked to your wordrob(?) and grabed some clothes to were to school. you walked to the bathroom after you got changed and brushed your H/L ( hair length ) H/C ( hair color ) hair. You quickly fluffed your (CT/C) before you walked out of your room and yawned as you saw your mom making you F/F ( favorite food ). "made you favorite Y/N! "she smiled as she set the plate down infront of you well you waited for the food on the table. You quickly ate it until i got a text from your best friend.

Text from Naki ( yes your best friends name is naki ): Y/N where r u?

Text to Naki: home eating y?

Text from Naki: im picking u up remember!

Text to Naki: oh right be right there!

"Sorry mom got to go or Naki will not be a happy camper when she sees that we are late on are first day of school!!" You say before running out the door to see Naki's car waiting for you. You open the door to the car and jump in and put your bag neer your feet. "Finaly slow poke, what took you so loooong!?"she whined. You just giggled as she drove off tords are new school...... Sakrit high.

( Hey kittens sorry for the short Chapter and i promise to try to make the next one longer! 301 words )

~ Hollyspots out! )

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