Chp-9 Heartfelt emotions, Queenly decision?

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Zacharias's P.O.V

At this moment I sit on the bed with a cloth soaked in a herbal pain relief mixture tied around my arm, where the stab wound is.

Stupid Raj! That sick devil will pay for what he did! How dare he?!

Also me and Amaani haven't been speaking properly either, I don't understand how a marriage could go sour, so quickly? She has been slowly breaking down as well. I'm really worried about her.

I hear a knock on the door and say, "Come in!"

The door opens revealing the doctor and and he gives me a gentle smile and says, "Is your arm feeling any better Prince Zacharias?"

"Yes, a little better, still some pain directly near the wound."

"Ah, yes, he did stab you hard, my prince. Luckily he didn't rupture any important veins or arteries."

I nod, thank you god. I also feel the small cloth in my face, "Will this leave a scar and heal properly?"

"Don't worry that it just a scratch it will heal in two days."

I thank the doctor and he gives me a herbal medicine to drink and I drink it no matter how bitter it tastes. He then leaves leaving me to rest for the next hour or so, I fall asleep.

My eyes open, and adjust to the light, I hear talking.

"Don't worry. I'll look after him for today. He doesn't need any of you maids for today. At least. Also I need to spend time with MY husband."

I fully get up hearing this and see Amaani glaring at a maid who has a steaming bowl of water and a cloth in her hand, then she reluctantly hands over the bowl and cloth to Amaani and leaves with a 'hmph'.

Amaani turns around sighing and my mouth immediately forms a smirk. She raises an eyebrow and sits down on a stool next to our bed.

"How are you doing Prince Zacharias?"

"I'm doing fine, Princess Amaani. Was that jealousy I sense?"

I expect her to deny it immediately but to my surprise she says, "Yes."

"Oh. Why is that my princess?," I ask widening my smirk into a grin. So she does care.

"That maid was just staring at you and openly looking at a married man. And that too, a prince, despicable," she says shuddering and then glaring placing down the bowl of steaming water on the bedside table.

I laugh, "Well I am a Prince, Amaani. I do attract a lot of attention."

"Female attention, you mean to say."

"Not just females Amaani." I playfully fire back. I'm utmost enjoying this!

I take her hand and say, "Well this Prince is reserved for his Princess, and his princess only. Okay?"

She looks away embarrassed and I see her mouth twitch holding in a smile. Amaani coughs letting go of my hand and grabs the cloth.

"What is this for?"

"This will help you relax mentally and help your muscles loosen."

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