Chp-20 A Scary Hide & Seek, Going Home

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Two more days later...

Amaani's P.O.V

For the last two days me and Zacharias have been mostly staying together in the guest bedroom, just talking, laughing, cuddling as well having our fair share of close romantic moments.

We didn't really want to go out, since there are some disgusting and intellectually undeveloped guests, here. Also unfortunately known as Arjun's Uncle and Auntie as well as that piece of sewage Vimal. Idiot.

I can't believe that his parents didn't even care that he was harassing a maid! That's absolutely appalling, ugh! Stupid people. I roll my eyes and automatically get angry just thinking about it. Well whatever, at least he got only a half cup tea spilt on his precious, royal attire.

Also Zacharias gave me a lecture on how, I really shouldn't of started more drama like that and that I should of handled it with just yelling and walking off. Ugh..

Fortunately, I can walk much better now, so can Zacharias. Also unfortunately, the doctor here told us to walk about 'to get our muscles going and let blood circulate more towards the wound, and not let it the wound paining worry us.'

Zacharias is over in the throne room talking with Arjun, at first it surprised me. I thought he despised Arjun, but clearly not as they are now talking like long time friends. It does make me happy though, that they have become friends of some sorts.

Deciding I have had enough of just staying in the room, I go out and decide to wonder around.

As I turn the corner, I hear a voice, "Your majesty, this is the maid's quarters. The Royals are over near that hallway."

I look at an elderly woman, looks like the head maid and she gives me a small smile to which I give back. Hmm..maids quarters.

"Are there any small children here?" I ask and she looks at me surprised.

"Yes, your majesty there are. May I know the reason why?" She asks with a worried expression.

Honestly I say, "They maybe bored so, as long as I'm here, don't they want to play?"

She lets out a small gasp and smiles widely nodding. The head maid leads me through an incredibly small hallway and then into a room. I'm greeted by the sight of three small children, sitting on the floor doing some sort of handshake. They have no toys. As well their mothers are too busy most of the time.. aww.

"Hello, little ones." I say, there are two boys and one girl.

They look at me in shock and I walk over gently, "Don't be afraid, I'm Queen Amaani Abraham. I'm just a guest here. Can you tell me your names?"

They smile and say their names quietly and shyly. The girl says, "My name is Bindhu." Then the first boy says, "Rohit," followed by the last boy, "My name is Senthil."

"Well hello, Bindhu, Senthil and Rohit." I say crouching down carefully, "Would you like to play hide and seek with a Queen?"

"Yes! Yay! Hide and seek!" They all shout in excitement. I hold Bindhu's hand and Rohit's hand as Senthil holds Bindhu's hand.

We walk and I ask the maids, if there is a garden, they lead the way. I'm greeted with the sight of a beautiful garden with a little lotus pond in the middle. I also see Vimal relaxing in a chair with maids fanning him with peacock feathers, making me furious but I ignore it.

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