Chapter 11

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  • Dedicated to Matt Smith - Eleventh Doctor

The Angels were advancing.

Zoe gripped harder onto the eighth Doctor, who was trying to lead her carefully down the staircase, telling her where to move her feet, holding her when she stumbled. The other Doctors followed on, attempting to walk backwards, fearing to take their eyes off the Angels.

"Quick! Into my Tardis!" shouted the eleventh Doctor, and everyone rushed in. He shut the door, whilst the others stood quietly, waiting for something to happen. There were bangs on the door, scratches, screeches as the Angels stood outside, ready for an attack.

"Can I open my eyes now? I really need to." Zoe had been stumbling around, as blind as a bat, not knowing properly of what had just gone on.

"No, you must keep them closed." said the eleventh Doctor. "It's the Angel inside you that wants you to open your eyes. The second they're open, the process will continue, and it will be even harder to close your eyes."

"Can I sit down then?" The eighth and fifth Doctor gently lead her to a chair, where she sat, her head in her hands.

"How do we stop them?" asked the third Doctor.

"Two ways." said the eleventh Doctor. "One, we make them look at each other. That way they'll reamin in their stone form until moved."

"Not going to work. Happened to me once, they were just labelled as misplaced statues, got moved, and went back on a rampage." sighed the tenth Doctor.

"Or two." The eleventh Doctor's voice went down to a grim whisper. "We kill them."

"Well, how can we do that?" asked the second Doctor.

"Three ways. No, no, two ways, I'm not even going to mention the third." Though he never said it, the other Doctors knew exactly what he meant; tear them to pieces, like they had done to their pilot. "So two ways. One, we wipe them from existence."

"How on Galifrey would you do that, may I ask?" questioned the first Doctor.

The eleventh Doctor paused at the mention of Galifrey, but quickly moved on. "The crack in the wall."

"What the hell is that?" asked the ninth Doctor.

"Cracks through the universe, through time and space itself. Anything shone upon by the light, is wiped from existence. Never born or created. Forgotten to history."

"And how exacty are we going to find this crack?" asked the sixth Doctor.

The eleventh Doctor paused. "I don't know. I don't like not knowing."

"Oh, great, so you come up with a suggestion, and then you say that we can't use it. What sort of a Time Lord are you?"

"Well I'm you, five faces later, so you can talk, Mr Rainbow Coat."

"Oh so that's how you want to play, is it? Ok then, Mr 'Bow Ties Are Cool'!"

"They are!"

"I agree." joined in the second Doctor.

"They are so not." said the ninth Doctor.


"Gentlemen, I think what we all need at the moment, is to calm down, and all have a nice nibble of a jelly baby."

"Do be quiet with your stupid jelly babies!" said the fifth Doctor.

"No, listen to the man. I'll have one." the tenth Doctor grabbed a jelly baby from the paper packet, and began to chew happily. "Lovely."

"Who asked you to join in?" asked the third Doctor.

"Just keep to yourselves all of you." said the first Doctor.

Zoe and the 11 Doctors  - The Image of an AngelWhere stories live. Discover now