Star Trek- The Final Frontier

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Star trek.

Chapter 1-

3rd person-

'CAPTAIN!' the girl screamed before another explosion rocked through the Starship on the edge of the Vulcan atmosphere. All hell broke loose when 2 Klingon war birds attacked the ship that was taking supplies to the new planet as they were settling down. The doctor and engineer was purely a genius but even this situation was too much for her.

There was a small part of the ship that was still together. A small engineering room at the corner of the bridge. 'Everyone else is dead' the girl thought as she watched the captain of the ship fall into a fire as it shook and heard a shrill scream as the girl from the med bay that she called her sister was pulled into space. 'I'm alone' she ran into the closet and locked the door. The small piece of the ship fell through the Vulcan atmosphere and continued gathering speed as it came into contact with the ground. The only thing that cushioned her fall was a small lake in the middle of the Vulcan councils' grounds.

Immediately, the Vulcan council ran outside to see what happened and they saw the ship piece and the small girl slowly crawling out the door to the closet before collapsing. A moment later they saw Spock and Doctor McCoy from the Enterprise beam down to the surface. The good Doctor went to the now unconscious girl and Spock went towards the council to explain what was needed. 'We need to take this girl, who appears to be Vulcan, up to the Enterprise and treat her there. It's the only way to save her life.' The council only nodded and wished them good luck before Spock ran back to the others and called up to Scotty on the ship above. The three of them beamed onto the ship, the mysterious girl held tightly to Bones' chest as he tried to keep her warm.

He ran down to med bay with the poor girl and laid her on the bed closest to his office and desk and immediately started giving her CPR. After a while, she started breathing again and suddenly opened her eyes, taking deep breaths and shooting straight upwards in panic. Bones had never seen such panic on anyone before and when he went to comfort the girl, she only screamed and ran to the other side of the med bay curling herself up into a ball making herself as small as possible. She was terrified of people as she and her sister were used as slaves on the other ship. As Bones tried to come towards her slower than before, the girl pushed herself into the corner as much as she could. 'Hey, hey it's okay darling. It's okay, you're safe now.'

The girl-

For some strange reason, I seemed to be drawn to Bones. Trusted him even against my own judgement. Something I haven't been able to do for a long time. I was forced to be a doctor on the ship I was last on and if I didn't treat the patients, I would be punished by pain and torture. It's safe to say I did my job. There was just something about him, the concern in his eyes drew me to him immediately and I felt as if I could trust him with anything if I needed to. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing but even so I reached out to him not unlike a small child even though I was 26 years of age. He sighed with concern and scooped me back up into his arms, my head instantly resting on his chest. I could hear his heart beating through the thin material of his shirt and it instantly soothed me. I could feel myself turning sleepy as I listened to the steady beating. It didn't take me long to fall into a deep sleep.

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