Chapter 2

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Chapter 2-


I carried the now sleeping girl back to the bed and laid her out on her back. My hand subconsciously reached out to sweep the hair back from her face and I realised at that moment how gorgeous she was. She had cute Vulcan eyebrows slightly raising at the end and raven black hair going as far down as her waist. Her lips were plump and red, the same colour as blood. Her skin was white, almost paper white but he was not sure of the colour of her eyes. In general, the girl reminded me of the classic fairy tale princess called snow white. Yeah, that's who she looked like. Either way she was gorgeous. Dressed only in a simple brown dress and sandals he could see the bruises and scars littering her alabaster skin. It was scary to see the marks on her skin and I knew not all of them were from the crash. Especially by her reaction to me.


There was only one survivor to the ship attack. The Klingons had made sure that the ship was completely destroyed when they got there. The girl was down in med bay with Bones. She was in good hands... I knew this and yet I still worried. Spock had been going through transitions with Uhura when he came across the distress signal from the ship. When we got there we witnessed the small part of the ship get pushed into the atmosphere and we found out that a living person was inside the closet in the part of the ship. So we took action and saved her. Destroying the Klingons whilst doing it. I knew Spock was worried because she was a Vulcan. One of very few remaining. I decided to go down to med bay to see how it all was. The turbo lift took me to the bay and I made my way over to Bones who was cradling the sleeping girl in his arms, a look of pure hatred mixed with concern on his face. I knew something was wrong immediately.

I put my hand on Bones' shoulder and he laid the girl down and looked at me. He told me that she had ran from him when she woke and hid, terrified of him until he managed to get her to trust him. He also showed me the scars and marks on her pale skin that were old, not from the attack. It was obvious now, she was the only survivor of a crew who used her as a slave. I had read about a crew who went rouge from star fleet taking a ship and kidnapping two sisters, one Vulcan and one human, twins whose father was Vulcan and their mother was human. Her sister must have died in the ship. Their parents had died in the Vulcan death. She was truly on her own from now on. I made a promise to myself that I would keep her safe, not only for her sake but also for Bones who had apparently taken a liking to the girl.


She looked so adorable when she slept. So calm and content. This is the way she is supposed to be all of the time. She was still young. She should be worried about who's going to overtake her in class and who's wearing the cutest clothes on the night out. Not who's going to give her another beating, or ii hate to think of it but use her in some way. I didn't like thinking about I but more likely than not... she had been... taken advantage of. I shuddered as I was making up hypos to give to her when she woke, for pain and to stop her wounds from getting infected. Not before long, I was awoken from my trance as I heard mumbling and whimpers coming from the small girl in the bed. I ran to it and stopped about three feet away from the bed and slowly crept the rest. She turned her head and looked at me, relief soothing over her features when she realised it was only me, and that she was safe. Her eyes were a deep violet mixed with red and they captivated me from the very moment she opened them. She opened her mouth to say something but only a small squeak came out. I chuckled at her face and went and got some water for her. She quickly drank all of the water and then apprehensively asked me 'is this water drugged?' my face shifted into a frown before I answered 'No, why would it be?' she looked down at her bed realising she said too much. She took a deep breath and she replied, slowly and quietly but in the silence of the med bay, I could hear her perfectly. 'In the other ship, they drugged all the water to make me do what they wanted against my own will. I hope you won't do that here, I like you.'

The girl-

I watched his face turn to complete shock and then anger, but not at me, at the people who held me captive. Suddenly he swept me up into his arms and pulled me close to him, as if he was never going to let me go, he was also whispering things into my ear as I leant my head against his chest listening, one again, to his heart beating. I decided then that this would be my favourite thing to do on this ship or whatever it was, to be with Bones. I wanted to get to know him, to be near him. He made me feel safe.

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