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Jumin POV

I've never believe in something call "destiny" until the day I met that person. A person that I can't separate for the rest of my life.



"Han Jumin speaking"
"It's me, V. Are you free tonight?Rika wants to meet you. At the downtown stage "
"Hm...Ok no problem, nothing important today.Do you come with her too?"

"Unfortunately, I've got to work late tonight.The model agency told me to finish the photo album within today. Oh, Rika isn't come alone, you will know tonight. Have fun."

Hm...Who I will meet tonight?Hope Rika won't introduce any girlfriend to me.

~Time skip~

"Jumin over here"  Rika is waving her hand and calling me.
I walk toward her. Hm... Who is the guy stand next to her? He looks familiar, have I met him before?

"Jumin, this is Ryu Hyun or you can call him Zen. Zen, this is my friend, the one I have told you about."  
"Hello, I'm Jumin Han - executive director of C&R international company. It's nice to meet you." I offer my hand to shake with him.

"I'm Zen " He replies and doesn't look at me.What an impolite person!
" Zen is a very talented person. I've been watching him ever since his first musical appearance. His career can move forward if someone invests him. Jumin ,if I didn't wrong you have a entertaining subsidiary company right? Can you give him a change ?"

"Uhm...Let's me see... I can support you in your study abroad then when you get back,let's me be your sponsor .We can spilt the profit later on" Sure ,why not? I believe in Rika appreciation about Zen although this guy has manners.
"Sorry, I don't need that offer."He denies immediately.

"Well, I can help you to debut as a musical actor."

"I still don't need. "
"Then I can at least pay for your advanced acting  tution. Don't worry, I won't need any repay."

"Too bad that I hate going to any kind of school and I want to stand on my own feet. But thanks anyway. Thank you Rika for your compliment" He glances at me then leaves away and I can hear him mumbling " Such a trust fund kid"

What's wrong with that guys? I just gave him many good offers and he denied without thinking. 
"Sorry for wasting your time, Jumin .I don't know why he acts like that. Normally he is very polite and gentle."
"It's ok. Maybe we don't get along very well then. " 

{End flashback}

I said goodbye to Rika then came back home. But in somehow,I had a sleepless night after that since  that person's face appeared in my mind and I had a very weird feeling about it. It's just like I have met him before . Few weeks later Zen joined R.F.A and our story began. 

Short doujin part 1

Short doujin part 1

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