Chapter one (short) beginninng

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My team is ready we are about to set out when the general comes to us and says that we need to transport 5 ODSTs to the mission site and we say ok the journey is 4 hours so it's quite the trip and we have to still lead the other pelicans with ODSTs and I still need to stay up because I'm the pilot.
"Ok guys  the strategy is when we get there take the scorpions that have been left there or getting dropped off now and take out the back and middle legs then when there down hop on and take out the core then get out with your jet packs
got it" I said to my team
"Yes sir!" They say I hop into the cockpit and set up the pelican we take off and we are flying for about 4 minutes when we hear the sound of guns firing "wow that was fast" swift said

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