Chapter 6: Home Base

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A/N - sorry this is late I was busy most of the day and I had trouble thinking of stuff anyway I own nothing but the story so hope you enjoy.

Your POV

*you were watching over the decision of  some cadets but after it was made you walked to the stables waiting for your squad as Sasha gets to you first and hugs you* Sasha "Y/N how you feeling?" You "tired as hell it's been a long unending day." *she hugs you tighter knowing it's not over yet* Sasha "I'll be there for you Y/N" You "I know and thank you for that Sasha" *she nods letting go before the others get there as you wait until they do get there* you "Is that everyone? *they nod* You "the four who are with me already know so follow me the rest of you with Levi. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!" them "SIR YES SIR!!!!" You "THEN WHAT IN THE NAME OF HELL ARE YOU STANDING AROUND FOR!!!!" *they instantly run getting in there area as Sasha, Eren, Armin, and Mikasa follow you as you grab a lantern for the trip to the base since it will be at night time* You "You four ready?" them "Yes" *you nod and move out  leading the four to the area quickly not trusting the saying of Titans sleep at night others do you don't but you don't know why you just don't trust it so you usually move it when going to home base getting there before the moon reaches the other side getting them to rest in there rooms as you start making strategies not really tired as Sasha is laying on your shoulder asleep as you continue working quietly only speaking almost no noise at at all* You "if we do that.... no that would get people killed... if we did... no then Eren could be killed or captured... if we.... no then Sasha is at to much of a risk.... if I did this... no then Sasha would chase me down... we could.... no that would put to much strain on Mikasa... if they... No then Armin would be in to much pressure... hmmm..... that could actually work me and Mikasa as Vanguard  Eren and Sasha as mid guard  and Armin as Rear Guard that will have to do for now but first will need to clean this place up.... *you get up holding Sasha and carry her to your all's room or Yours and Sasha's room and lay down with her holding her actually tired from all the things that happened today* You "this has been and will be the most exhausting day ever for me... I should sleep..." *you slowly fall asleep holding Sasha to you not really worried about much else*

??????? POV

??????? ".....we are running out of time we need to take care of them before they learn more... We must get rid of there weapons..." *I look over the Titans and smile* ??????? "send out the female Titan then send The Beast out we must take care of them in any means necessary and if they both live were all doomed heck even if one lives its to dangerous...send them out soon" we don't have enough time to play around any longer both of them are awoken and one of them knows how to control it beyond the control of others and with how they are  they can go right through skin and fur making the the devil for any of them but the armored Titan and even then it will be limited since those teeth get sharper after breaking he might as well be a shark with how his body is the only thing he cant heal is his heart and soul shatter one and we have one.... ??????? "actually with him attack the girl killing her will shatter him making him unresponsive and easy to defeat n matter which titan if she is guaranteed death then we have already won this battle." *they nod leaving the room* Look out Y/N if your not careful you will lose the last person you care for again you yourself aren't noticeable to anyone but smart titans but that doesn't mean they'll win your defiantly trained but it doesn't make it any easier to deal with he had proven himself a dangerous enemy and now with that rouge makes it harder to deal with but how will you protect your self, the girl, and the rouge titan all at the same time meaning no matter what were the ones who'll win you've never been good at protecting multiple targets

Your POV

*you wake up with a start from that odd dream but you have a feeling your not safe anymore and neither is anyone else so you start thinking while looking at yourself* so I'm still being chased by groups... this one seems to be the titans group but why? I have nothing gain anything of but I now that I'm going to protect people besides Sasha... especially if what they said is true they'll be chasing her and Eren down.... okay then titans let' see who does a better Tango me or you I'll be ready but first let's start cleaning up some we haven't had a chance to do so in a long while at least not here we haven't *you start getting up but notice that Sasha is still on you and you look at her interested in kissing her but don't want to in fear of waking her up and looking like a pervert which your not you care for her so you mentally sigh* well this going to be a difficult time to deal with and I need to clean but Sasha is a heavy sleeper when comfortable which is extremely right now and it just makes her harder to resist not kissing but I will do so it' not she'll like me anymore then a family member... some days I wish I was crushed with them at east it was more then likely a quick death unlike being eaten it seems... oh well it's nothing new about this since she always sleeps with me and no one else... You "home sweet hone..."

A/N - and done now to sleep.


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