Chapter 10

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The place we all dread. Full of drama and bitchy people. School is hell and the teachers suck ass!!

"Ugh I hate this place." You groan and lightly kick the stone walk surrounding the school. "Fuck this place."

You look around trying to find Nemesis and Ayano. With neither of them in sight you sigh relieved. You didn't want to have to answer them fearing for nasty ways if you didn't give them an answer. They were both nice girls but you didn't know if they were your type.

You walk into school along with everyone else and put away your outdoor shoes and put on your indoor shoes. "Y/n!!" You hear someone call you and pray that it isn't Ayano or Nemesis. You stand up and look around and say Saki walking up to you. That girl needs to cut her hair. She almost whipped someone in the face last time I was near her. She turned around so fast.

"Hey Saki." You wave at her and close your locker. "Are you free later on today? I want to invite you to my party. You can invite Ayano and Nemesis if you want. It'll be me and my group of friends just playing games." You took the invitation she offered and looked at it before looking up at her. "Yep I'll be there."

"Yay. Bye y/n." She waved goodbye and went to meet up with her friends. If I haven't seen Ayano or Nemesis since I walked into school then they must already be on the roof.

You sighed and prepared yourself before walking up the stairs to the roof. Before you walk completely up you spotted them sitting there talking.

Nemesis notices you and Ayano directs her attention to you. Shit. You curse in your head and sprint downstairs. Nope nope nope nope nope I'm not ready for this. I thought I was prepared but I'm having a crisis right now!!

You could hear them running after you. I need to lose them!!! But where!! You run up and around the school scaling it and looking for empty rooms. The pair weren't that far behind you. You were starting to get tired.

You eventually dodged them and went int a crowd of people and ran into the girls bath. You shoved your things into your locker and went in and pulled it closed but not completely.

You held your breath when you saw Ayano run it. "Damn it I lost her!! Fuck!!" Ayano searched the entire bath and left without even looking out the lockers. "It's not safe to be in here." You whisper to yourself.

But where do I go?? They'll still find me later thought dammit. There's no use and I have to tell them about Saki's party too. Motherfucker if only her party was another day. Damn long pigtails big busted bitch with boobs fucking Mackenzie.

You left the locker and instantly got talked by two people. "Motherfucker." You curse realizing who your captors were. "Hey we finally found you." Nemesis says smiling. "Before you two say anything we got invited to Saki's party later on today. It's in my bag if you want to look at it. I'm free today so I was wondering if you guys want to go?"

Ayano fishes out the bag from your bag and opens up the invitation. "5:30 huh? I'm free." Ayano sets the letter down. "Same here. Now onto the serious business." Nemesis pulls you up into a sitting position. "We need an answer." You sigh and shake your head. "I still don't have an answer. It's hard to choose alright. You guys are putting too much pressure on something so stupid."

"Fine then we'll give you until the end of the week. This week we'll each go on two dates with you and Saturday night you give us an answer." Ayano proposes an idea. You shrug. "Sure I like that idea."

Ayano kisses your cheek and Nemesis kisses your other cheek. You push them away and wipe your cheek. "Ew." The bell rings for class.

You stand up hear a camera flash. You glare at Ayano. "Ayano now isn't the time." She smiles and starts typing on her phone. "You're such a pervert." You kiss her forehead and kiss Nemesis on the forehead as well and grab your bag and head to class.


"I'm so hungry. Class made me hungry!!" You complain as you grab a drink. "Well you're lucky it's lunch time." Nemesis chuckles. The three of you walk upstairs to the roof and sit in your usual spot.

As you're eating your lunch you turn to Nemesis. "Hey Nemesis I have a question for you." You say putting down your sandwich. "Is your real name Nemesis?" She looks at you before answering. "Well not legally but yeah. I'm waiting till I'm 20 to actually change because my parents won't let me."

"Well what was your name before that?" You ask her taking a big bite out of your sandwich. "There's no need for you to know Y/n. I'll tell you someday." She turns away from you and continues eating. The three of you sit in silence and Ayano gets up and starts walking away. "Where are you going Ayano?" You ask her. 'Info-chan.' She mouths. You stare at her as she walks away. "Is Info-chan a nice person?"

"No....I don't know. She hates me though since I'm sort of her enemy. Ayano and me, we're enemies but somehow we're acting like friends ever since you came. I was supposed to assassinate her. Someday I'll actually have to since it's my mission and to my master she's a threat."

"Who's your master?" You ask. "Stop asking questions or you'll get hurt. Some things are best left alone." She cleans up and leaves. "Well I guess I'm alone again even though I didn't mean to upset her. Whatever who needs her anyway." Your sadness turns to anger and you eat the rest of your sandwich. I won't let her kill Ayano even if she has to.

Ayano comes back upstairs and looks around. "Where's Nemesis?" 

"Why would you care?" Ayano eyes you. "Did something happen?" She steps closer and looks you in the eyes. "Nope nothing." Ayano shrugs. "Alright then anyway come with me." She starts walking away and you clean up and grab your bag and run after her. You follow her to the same empty hallway where you found Info-chan's secret hideout. Ayano felt the wall and the wall opened up to reveal Info-chan's dark room. The redhead sat at the computer typing away and black mailing people. On her screen she had panty shots.

"Someone's having the time of their life." Ayano said pulling you in and closing the wall. Info-chan turned around in her seat and had a tissue up to her nose. Blood was on it. "Um are you okay?"

Info-chan nodded. "It's a pleasure to meet you again y/n. You have a nice ass." You blush and glance at Ayano who looks away innocently. "Thanks?" You didn't know how to react when someone told you, you had a nice booty.

Info-chan cleaned her nose and threw away the bloody tissue and sanitized her hand. "The boys I sent the panty pic to really loved it. They told me they jacked off to it and-"

"Alright you can stop I get the point." You shouted covering your ears. You sighed and shook your head. These damn perverts!!

You uncovered your ears when Info-chan's mouth stopped moving. "Come here y/n." Info-chan beckoned you closer. You put your bag down and slowly made your way over to her. 

With a blink of an eye Info-chan's hands were up your shirt. "Um what the fuck!!?!" She groped your chest and you look away uncomfortably. "And she has a nice chest. A good cup size, close to Kokona's chest. You picked a nice prize Ayano." Info-chan smirked.

"I'm not a prize!" You stammered. Info-chan released your chest and then slapped your ass making you squeak. "Ayano make her stop I'm uncomfortable." Ayano chuckled before pulling you into her arms. "Info-chan never do that again." You buried your face in Ayano's chest. "Aww my little prize is embarrassed."

"I'm not a prize." Your voice was muffled in Ayano's chest but she heard every word. "I know but I love calling you that because someday you'll be mine." She whispered the last part in your ear.

Ayano was less difficult Nemesis. She was actually romantic and soft unlike Nemesis who was probably rough. I mean she kissed me at the store once and licked my neck on Sunday morning. The only thing Ayano had done was kiss me on the lips and take a picture of my panties. Ayano was slow and gentle and that's what I loved about her.

You looked up at Ayano and found her already looking at you. "Are you done being embarrassed?" She asked a smile on her face. She was cute. You stood up on your tippy toes and pressed your lips against hers. "Yes I am." You smile at her. She stands there with her mouth open. "Now lets get to class." You grab her hand and say goodbye to Info-chan and leave the dark room with Ayano and head off to class just as the bell rings.

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