Chapter 11

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"Are you done yet Nemesis? You're taking foreever in my bathroom. We're going to be late!!" You knock on your bathroom door pleading for Nemesis to finish quickly.

She quickly opens the door and stares you down. You return to the stare. "I'm done now lets go." She grabs your arm with force and drags you downstairs. You try to pry her hand away from your arm but her grip is too tight. "Let go. I need to get my things and turn off the lights." Nemesis ignores you and continues dragging you to the door.

Ayano intervenes and pushes Nemesis away from you. She looks at you with concern. "Are you alright?" You nod rubbing your arm. There's probably going to be a bruise there later. Ayano turns to Nemesis. "Listen to a girl when she's talking to you. This is why y/n doesn't love you." Ayano yells at Nemesis.

While they were arguing your grabbed your things which consisted of your phone, gum and your wallet. You turned off all the lights and exited your house with Ayano and Nemesis in front. Nemesis was still shouting and Ayano was tuning her out and paying attention to the clouds in the sky and pointing out shapes. 

Nemesis eventually shut up and ignored Ayano. I don't understand why they hang out with each other. Like if I hated someone I would avoid them at all costs.

"You two need to stop arguing. You're acting like a married couple." You shake your head disappointed. The two teens in front turn to you and angrily shout in unison, "We're not a married couple!!" You chuckle to yourself.

"Alright we're here. Now be nice to each other okay. I don't want a commotion." You warn them before ringing the doorbell to Saki's house. The door swung open and Saki engulfed you into a hug. "Y/n it's so good to see you. I'm so glad you're here. Come in come in!!" She beckons the three of you inside and says hello to Ayano and Nemesis.

"Follow me upstairs to my room. We have snacks upstairs and we're listening to music. I want to introduce you gals to my friends in case you didn't know them." You follow Saki upstairs to her room and a group of girls in the middle with different colored hair all turn their attention to you.

You wave and smile. "Now girls these three are y/n, Ayano, and Nemesis. I'm sure you know them already." She then introduced us to the girls sitting in the middle. "This is Kokana, Mei, Kohara, Yuna, Yui, and Amai. We're all part of the cooking club. You three should join sometime!" Saki smiles and sits down next to Kokana.

You and Ayano take a seat next to Amai and Nemesis takes a seat next to Yui.


Throughout the night you played various games like, ping-pong, twister, hopscotch(cause why not we all need our childhood once in a while), pin the tail on the donkey, even truth or dare but no hardcore questions or dares. During truth or dare Saki bought out a bottle of alcohol and some of the girls drank some. The only ones who didn't were you, Ayano and Amai.

Then came the last game you feared the most. 7 minutes in heaven. The game where you stay in a closet for 7 minutes with the person chosen to be with you. Who knows what the other person could do during those 7 minutes.

"Alright lets begin.....the 7 minutes in heaven. I've put all your names on multiple slips of paper in this hat and I will choose two people. I am also included. Now let the sexy fun begin. If I want I could extend the time to 12 minutes." Saki wiggles her eyebrow and steadies herself so she doesn't fall over.

Saki closes her eyes and rummages through the hat. She picks out two slips. "Kokana and Yui." Yui grabs Kokana's hands and pulls her up and then brings her to the closet. The other girls tried to listen and pressed their ears against the closet door.

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