The begining!

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Disclaimer; this is NOT I repeat NOT the sequel for my other book! Also it's Brendan's point of view!
BUMP! I hit my head hard on the back of the moving van, I felt the back of my head, there was a decent size bump. 'Why the hell am I riding in this moving van?' I questioned myself, then the truck stopped, I folded up my Game Boy with Pokémon Crystal inside and pulled up the door to the back of the van. The light almost blinding me.
"Welcome to your new home, Brendan!" I heard, I looked around and saw it was my mom.
"Hey mom!" I said, I ran over and gave her a hug, "I'm gonna go get my stuff from truck!" I said. "Ok, Brendan! I'll be inside!" Mom replied. I walked over to the truck and started grabbing my stuff. Then I heard someone from inside our house, "Brendan! Dads on TV!" I heard her say. I ran to the house.
"And that concludes our interview with Mr. Norman!" The TV reporter said. "Oh... Looks like we missed it..." Mom said "Well anyways, there is a clock in your room you have to set up!". I nodded and headed upstairs, I set the time on the clock to 8:07 am. I made my bed upstairs and set put in my giant Snorlax chair. I set up everything else and walked downstairs. "Everything set up?" Mom said. "Yup" I replied. "You should go talk to your new neighbor!" Mom said. "Ok!" I walked outside the door and looked around Little root town, I took in the fresh air and walked to the neighbors house, I opened the door a creek and looked inside, I saw what must have been his or her mother.
"Hey! You must be Brendan!" The mom said. "Y-Yeah.. How'd you know my name?" I replied. "Your mother came over a little while ago! She talked all about you!" The mom said "If your looking for your neighbor, May is upstairs!". I walked up the stair case and peeked around the corner. There was a girl that must have been May, she was fixing her bow on her head and turned around, she was kinda cute... She smiled and ran over to me. "Hi Brendan! I'm May!" May said. "H-Hey! What's up?" I said. "Not much! I'm just making sure my items are all ready for my adventure! And after I'm gonna help my dad find some Pokémon!" May replied. "O-Oh! Yeah, that sounds cool!" I said to May. She smiled a big grin, she was pretty cute... "Well, I should head home.." I said. "That's ok! I'm sure I'll see you later, Brendan!" May replied. I walked down stairs and out the door, I walked on the path and to my house. I opened the door. "Hey Brendan! You should go find the professor and ask for a Pokémon! Then you can start your journey!" Mom said. "Hey! That's not a bad idea, mom!" I said "Bye! I'll come back once I get a Pokémon!" I yelled while running out the door. "Stay safe Brendan!..." mom said, but I was already out the door and running to the lab, I opened the door and no one was there. I questioned myself why.. I walked to home, disappointed, then I heard someone.
"HELP!!!!" I heard someone yell, I ran to route 101 "WHO NEEDS HELP?!" I yelled and looked around. I saw professor Birch being chased by a Poochyena!
"Help! There are some Pokeballs in my bag over there! Take one and fight the Poochyena, please!" Professor Birch said, I opened the bag. Three Pokeballs were labeled with Treecko, Mudkip and Torchic, I couldn't choose.. "Mudkip! Lets go!" I yelled, I threw the Pokeball in the air and Mudkip came out the ball.
"Kip! Mudkip!"  Mudkip said "Mudkip!! Water gun on the Poochyena!" I yelled, Mudkip sprayed water all over the Poochyena, it snarled and went for tackle. "Dodge, Mudkip!" I yelled, Mudkip jumped and dodged the attack and then went for Water gun without command! 'Wha? Why did it know what I was gonna use?' I asked myself. I was so caught up in that thought I didnt realize the Poochyena had fainted! "Wow Mudkip! Your really strong!" I said, the professor walked over and thanked me, we walked back to the lab, May was there. "Hey, Brendan!" May said. "Hey, May!" I said smiling while waving. "Brendan, in a thank you of your help, I'll let you keep Mudkip!" The professor said. "W-Wow! Thanks so much!" I said "Here Brendan!" May said while handing me 5 Pokeballs. "Here! Take these you two!" The professor said, he handed me and May two redish orange contraption. "These are Pokedexs!" Professor said "You can store data of new Pokémon you meet on your journey!" Professor said "Neat!" May said "See ya later, dad!" May said as she ran out the door.
"Well, good luck on your journey, Brendan!" Professor said. Then I walked out the door and was on the path to home. I opened the door and showed mom Mudkip, she thought it was very cute. I told mom about what happened today and she was very excited for me to start my journey...
The amazing start of a new book!! I hope you guys liked the first chapter!

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