My first badge! Brendans POV

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I was ready to leave Petalburg, I stopped by the Pokémon center and healed Mudkip and Ralts, I headed for route 104, with a nice beach, I walked and took a deep breath of the ocean air. "Come on out, guys." I said and I released Ralts and Mudkip. "Ralts!" Ralts waved to Mudkip, "Kip! Mudkip!" Mudkip smiled, they sat next to each other, I kneeled down and play with Mudkip and Ralts for a bit. "Back in your Pokeballs, please." I said, but the disobeyed, I just rolled my eyes and put them on my shoulders and walked along the shore, there was a nice wooden cabin that I walked by, I was challenged by a young man, but he only had a Tailow, I won. I walked along the path and into Petalburg Woods, it was pretty dark with the trees blocking out most of the sunlight, I walked into the grass, "Woah!" I said and I almost stepped on a Wurmple! "Sorry lil' buddy." I said while petting the Wurmple.
"Wurmm! Wurmple!" It said with a happy face, I stood up and started across the forest. Then out of the blue I felt something fell hard into my shoulders, knocking off Mudkip and a Ralts, the thing wrapped around my neck, it look like it came from above!
"Koth...." the thing said in laziness.
I sweatdrop. "It's just a Slakoth...." I said. It's hanging behind me. "What? You wanna join me or something?" I say. "Slak..." it says lazily. "Cool." I reply, I tapped a Pokeball into the Slakoth. 1...2...3... click! "Yes! I caught a Slakoth!" I said. And I continue through the forest.
"Help! Help me! Someone?!" A voice said, I looked around and saw a scientist, surrounded by some goons in a red and blue suit.. (in this book team Aqua and Magma team up, so it's not the original story, hence it being in the fan fiction category)
"Give up the parts!" The one in the blue said.
"Hand em over!" The one in the red said. "DONT TEST OUR PATIENCE!" They both said together and they released 2 Poochyena. "Hey." I said "Leave him alone." And I released Mudkip and Slakoth. "Ehh what are you gonna do about it?" The red one said "I'll battle you" I replied "if you insist" the one in the blue said "it's your funeral". "Ok a double battle then. Your Poochyenas vs my Mudkip and Slakoth!" I said with confidence "Ok Slakoth! Yawn on the right Poochyena! Mudkip use water gun on the left one!" I yelled, they both did as commanded, Water gun almost taking out the left one! "Ok Poochyena! Tackle on Mudkip!" They both said. Oh no, if both those attacks make contact, that could hurt Mudkip bad! I thought. "Mudkip! Dodge quick!" I yelled, Mudkip jumped up and slammed its body into the Poochyena, looks like they took good damage, one Poochyena fell asleep from Slakoths yawn, "ok Mudkip! Water gun on both! Quick!" I yelled, Mudkip quickly picked off the Poochyenas with Water gun. "W-What?! Damn kid! Your pretty strong!" The one in the blue said "heh, I know!" I said acting proud "return guys!" I said and returned Mudkip and Slakoth. By the time I looked up the goons were gone, "Are you ok, sir?" I asked the scientist. "Thanks to you, yes!" The scientist said. "Glad the help!" I replied and I rushed out of the forest, and through the bridge to Rustboro city! I looked around, there were houses and a yellow roofed building, the gym! I thought, I walked over to the Pokémon center and healed up my team, I walked over to the blue roofed building, the Pokemart.
"Hello! How may I help you?" The clerk asked "I'll just take 5 potions." I said with the 10 in my bag, I will surely be ready for the gym! I thought, the clerk gave me 5 potions and I payed ₽1500, since I had a good mound of cash from beating all those trainers, after that I walked over to the gym, I took a step inside, the place was huge, with fossils in display, I walked through to the gym leader, I managed to avoid the trainers inside because I wanna save my potions and my Pokémons strength for the gym leader.
"Welcome to Rustboro city's gym. My name is Roxanne, this gym specializes in rock type Pokémon." Roxanne said
"I'm gonna win!" I said with confidence and I sent out Mudkip. "Geodude, come out and use tackle!" Roxanne said  "Mudkip! Dodge and use water gun!" I yelled, Mudkip did as so, one shotting the Geodude with a critical hit, "That was all luck" Roxanne grunted, returning geodude, "Go! Nosepass!" She yelled and tossed out Nosepass,
"What kinda Pokémon is that?" I said while pulling out my Pokedex. Nosepass, the compass Pokémon; Nosepass's magnetic nose is always pointed to the north. If these two Pokémon meet, they cannot turn their faces to each other when they are close because the magnetic noses repel each other. The pokedex said "Mudkip! Water gun!" I announced water gun hit doing critical damage almost one shotting it, "Nosepass! Rock tomb!" Roxanne announced, Mudkip was instantly covered in boulders...
"Mudkip is unable to battl- the red was cut off by glowing under the rocks, the rocks blew away and there was a new Pokémon under them "Mudkip evolved!!" I yelled with happiness
"Mar! Marshtomp!" Marshtomp exclaimed "Ok Marshtomp! Finish it off with a water gun!" I yelled and Nosepass was knocked out with swirls in its eyes. "Hmph. Good job" Roxanne grunted "here's the Stone badge" she handed the badge to me, my eyes sparkled "Wow! My first Gym badge!" I exclaimed, I walked out of the gym, and into the Pokémon center, I healed my Pokémon and put mom on the phone. "hey mom!" I said
"What?" She replied
"I won my first gym badge, mom"

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