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Bethany's POV
Once he was finished beating me, I ran to my room. I grabbed my bag back from under my bed and started stuffing the rest of my clothes and hairspray into it. I have never liked my dad. For that reason. And that reason only. He doesn't care about nothing. Not even himself. He drinks, smokes, takes drugs, he just doesn't care about himself. I could hear my dad's footsteps coming up the stairs so I chuck my bag under my bed and got my book that I was reading and started reading it. My dad walked in.
"Do you know what?" he says, quieter than usual which was weird.
"What?" I say, confused.
"I thought about what you keep saying. About what I do is wrong. Hurting innocent children, like you, and making them clean bathrooms and kitchens and everything like that so I've decided that I'm going to respect you from now on. You can go out, have fun with your friends and I'll even buy you the latest iPhone so you can text and FaceTime your mates. And more importantly, I'll start loving you and caring about you!" he says, sweetly.
Do I trust him though? Or is he just saying that? I'm confused.


Hai guys. Sorry this chapter was a bit short but I wanted to end it on a cliffhanger. What do you think Bethany is going to say? Do you think she's going to forgive him? And more importantly, do you think she'll still escape or will she stay?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2017 ⏰

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