"High-School" - C.C 🐨

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How you met Camila Cabello

"You're really good with graphic designs

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"You're really good with graphic designs."

~ Y/N POV ~

There she was, Camila, sitting in the front of the class like an angel, god I wish I sat closer. Damn seating chart. "What are you thinking about?" I heard (best-friends name) ask and I turned my attention to them, I shrugged and sighed as the bell rang signaling the end of the period. I rushed out of the room for no reason other than in hurry seeing as my class was on the opposite side of the school.

As I looked down at my schedule, in a hurry and make it to the right room in time, finally I walked into class and didn't stop, when I had bumped into her.

"I-I'm so sorry, Camila!" I stuttered and blushed stupidly. She giggled and smiled at me just to send raging butterflies in my stomach. "It's alright I didn't know you had this class...?" I realized she hadn't known my name. I think.

"Oh I'm Y/N... sorry, again" another blush creeped up my face when she dragged me to the seat next to hers.

"We're going to get along also I knew your name was Y/n I just blanked out for a moment." She gave me a sweet smile and started to pull out her binder when her eyes widened and she tried to hide it.

"What's wrong?" I asked lightly and she just was red and shook her head "Oh nothing it's alright just forgot about something."

"Oh what? Maybe I can help?" I offered and she shook her head again.

She picked up her binder as it was already open and she grabbed her things. I guess her mind blanked out for a moment because she closed the binder and my eyes widened. There was "Y/N" with hearts and it was designed with many colors and my face burned red.

An unstoppable smile spread across my face due to seeing it and she covered her face. I giggled lightly at her and took her hands away from her face. "No it's alright Camila. Here look." I grabbed my notebook and flipped to the page I designed her name on and showed it to her.

She started to smile and ran her fingers across the design. "You made this?" She turned to me and I nodded shyly.


She giggled "You're really good at designs." I nodded and looked at her with a dumb blush that spread across my cheeks .


'Maybe high school isn't as bad as it seemed..'

Skylar_Winters225 HEYO HOPE YOU LIKED IT

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