UNHhhh: The Struggle is Real

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Brian's P.O.V

His groggy eyes cracked open to the darkness of the room, the only audible noise was the ticking of a nearby clock. His body shrugged almost involuntarily as he felt an unusual weight leaning against him. He blinked a few times, only taking a few seconds for his confused mind to register where he was.

He leaned his head back and yawned, remembering that he had taken you back to Adore's apartment after the show because the two of you had become bumbling, drunken messes last night. The sun had barely even began to rise as he looked out the window to the apartment. He reached into his pocket carefully to pull out his phone.

'5:39AM? Jesus, I slept over,' He thought before looking over to you.

Your eyes were shut tightly as you leaned against him, one of your arms had become interlocked with him at some point in the night as you slept peacefully.

He hadn't really meant to sleep over, but also didn't want to disturb you when you seemed to be so comfortable. But he knew that he really needed to get going.
He carefully slid himself off of the couch, basically lowering himself onto his knees to slip out of the grip you had on his arm.

He let your limp body slide down onto the couch all the way.
He ran his hands over his face, looking around the room for something to cover you with, until he found a blanket folded neatly on the back of a chair adjacent to the couch.
He unwrapped it and spread it over your body, smiling and shaking his head in amusement as he saw that you still had your heels on.
He lifted your legs over onto the couch, so your body could finally stretch out instead of staying contorted into the position it had been in.

He paused momentarily as you began to move, hoping he hadn't woke you, but you only sighed in your sleep, and turned over.
He bent down and gently cupped one of the heels in his hands and pulled it off your foot with ease, repeating the process with the other one.

He stood there for a moment after he was done, just looking down at you.
"Krasivaya," he whispered into the darkness.

Saying it in Russian kept him a step away, it also meant you'd have no idea what he was saying if you had just happened to suddenly wake up.
He decided that he had lurked above you for longer than was deemed okay as he sighed softly and made his way to the front door.

The sun was now starting to peek over the horizon as he left the apartment.

After a few moments of waiting, he was finally able to track down a cab to take him home.

Brian was tired, and he was always prone to zoning out when he was, but this morning, he couldn't help but feel a different reason for it. Part of him hadn't really wanted to leave Adore's place, but the other part was telling him he needed to get the fuck out.
Either way, it wasn't easy for him to leave, and it only made him feel conflicted that he felt the way he did about it. He would have had an easier time leaving a one-night stand before his makeup's expiration date revealed itself than to leave you on this particular morning.

'Shit..' He thought suddenly as he had just blunly admitted the reasoning to himself.

He pinched the bridge of his nose roughly, trying to silence the thoughts as he laid his head onto the leather seat of the cab. He desperately needed a cigarette before his anxiety was inclined to rise anymore.

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