A family day out

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Naruto put on his cloak and hat on, Sasuke had a simple blue yukata on, Wolf had the dinosaur in her little chubby arms though it was so big that it was covering her face, she was in the baby hammock that was hanging on Sasuke's left shoulder and his right hand was under her to keep her secured and safe. They head out into town to get more baby supplies, a changing table and for Naruto to show off his new baby girl. Everyone said hi to him, calling him Hokage or Sixth, little kids and women came up to him and Sasuke to see the little baby they had with him, Naruto told them about how his husband saved the little baby girl and that he was very proud that he had a family of his own. They walked past Ichiraku Ramen" Sasuke I want to show Old Man and Ayame Wolf and get a bowl of Ramen to" Sasuke rolled his eyes at Naruto's second reason for going in his favorite ramen shop, he nodded following his knuckleheaded husband. Naruto grins" hello Old Man! Ayame!" He grins. Teuchi and his daughter; Ayame owned the little ramen shop and they have known Naruto since he was a little child. They didn't see a monster in Naruto, they loved him just like their own as he grew and the reason Naruto was obsessed with ramen. Teuchi smiles" well hello Naruto, oh I mean Hokage" Naruto grins, rubbing the back of his head" awe Old Man you can call me my name, you're practically my family since I was a child" Ayame saw Sasuke and smiles" hello Sasuke-San" Sasuke nods" hello Ayame-San, Teushi-San" he sits, being careful of Wolf. Naruto grins" I have great news! We adopted a baby!" Ayame squeals" really!" Sasuke moves Wolf a little so Ayame and Teushi could see her. Ayame smiles widely" she's so beautiful, is she from the orphanage?" Sasuke shakes his head, adjusts Wolf so she was against his chest so she felt safe" no, I found her in the forest not far from the gate when I was returning from a mission, she looked like she been there for a few hours, Lady Tsunade said if she was found any later she would have died from starvation. Most disgusting thing is she still had her umbilical cord" Teushi frowns" how awful.. what an awful mother just giving birth and then dumping your child in the woods where animals could have gotten to her and made her their meal.." he shakes his head. Naruto was slurping away at his ramen he ordered while Sasuke and Teushi was talking. Wolf whimpered and started crying, kicking and flaring her arms. Sasuke looks at Naruto" Dobe grab her bottle and feed her for me" Naruto looks at Sasuke cheeks full of ramen, swallows" but I'm eating..." Sasuke glares at Naruto; his right eye was his Rinnegan and his other eye was his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan and his body was surrounded by dark anime flames. Naruto turns pale white, eyes white and wide eyed (picture below, couldn't find one with him all pale white with the eyes)

 Naruto turns pale white, eyes white and wide eyed (picture below, couldn't find one with him all pale white with the eyes)

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Ayame hides behind her dad" Sasuke-San is scary..." Tesushi laughs not even phased by Sasuke's anger, he said" reminds me of Ayame's mother when she had her mood swings during her pregnancy, I had to hide all the knives and scissors in the house because she would threaten to cut me if I said something so small that would upset her badly." Naruto shakes" n-n-never mind R-R-Ramen can wa-wait.." he takes Wolf, grabs her already prepared bottle and starts feeding her, still shaking in fear of Sasuke's Sharingans still piercing at him. Kurama laughs' you took on Pain, the mother of all chakra; Kaguya Otsutsuki and you are afraid of Sasuke!? Oh that is rich!!' Naruto sent a mental glare at Kurama. Wolf drunk her milk until it was all gone, Naruto pats her back until she burps, he held her and she stared at him with her big red-orange colored eyes. Naruto smiles and held her up to his face and kissed her nose" I love you my little princess" he chuckles. Sasuke smiles softly after deactivating his sharingans. Naruto looks at him" you really should consider the new arm because you will want to do things with her and you can't with just one arm" Sasuke hums" I'll think about it, maybe once she gets older and is walking" Naruto nods, rocking Wolf gently, he gently sets her in her little baby hammock and continues eating, Sasuke holds her with his right arm to keep her secured so she didn't fall out. After lunch they head to the store to get the stuff they needed, Wolf was looking around at everything and everyone who wanted to see her, she wasn't shy all she did was stare back at them. Shikamaru and Temari were out shopping with their son Shikadai and saw Naruto and Sasuke, Temari went up to them" hey guys," Naruto grins" hey Temari," he looked over his shoulder and saw Shikamaru and Shikadai" I see you got the two lazy ninjas out of the house" Temari sighs" ugh I know right, it takes almost all morning to get these two up and ready for the day especially Shikadai for the academy. His father is no help either" Shikamaru just hums and looks at Sasuke, he noticed the baby hammock" you adopted?" Sasuke looks at his fellow ninja friend" you can say that. I was heading back from my mission when I noticed movement under some leaves, I went to investigate and saw this little one under them, dry and wet blood was on her and had her umbilical cord still attached to her. I took her to Lady Tsundae and she told me she was a day from death she was so malnourished and very cold" Naruto took Wolf from her hammock and held her close" she also has the two tailed demon cat; Matatabi" Temari was in awe" wow, I didn't think someone would do that to a child especially when it was a newborn other than you Naruto no offense" Naruto smiles" it's alright, I found out the truth from them and I accepted it and their apology. I just worry that she will have a hard childhood like mine, being seen as a monster and not a human being..." he said sadly, looking at his daughter. Shikamaru places his hand on Naruto's shoulder" don't worry Naruto, we'll all watch out for her, she is part of the family now so she will be protected by bullies and people who wouldn't understand," Naruto grins Shikamaru can be lazy but he was very smart and always gave good advices" thanks Shikamaru" Shikadai looked at Wolf" she's really small, almost like she was born early by force" Temari hits her son on the head hard, he winces, rubbing his big bump, Temari glares at him" we don't need your input on everything Shikadai" Sasuke smirks" hn, like father like son" Temari groans" tell me about it... well we have groceries to shop for, hope to see you around" she smiles and drags her husband and son away, them muttering 'what a drag' Sasuke sighs" I would not have enough patients to deal with those lazy asses" Naruto chuckles" I know you have to be strong willed and tough like Temari" they got the necessary things they needed, Sasuke made two shadow clones and told them to take the high chair and the other bags of stuff they bought back home. Naruto held Wolf the entire time, showing her off to the villagers, Sasuke rolls his eyes" she is not an object to display" Naruto stuck his tongue out" I know that but I want to show the villagers my baby girl" he smiles, rubbing Wolf's cheek gently with the back of his left pointer finger" I can't wait till she grows up a little and starts using some of her chakra" Sasuke groans" when she gets around six years old let's just hope she doesn't be like you when you were that age.. all the pranks and painting on the Hokage Monument" Naruto laughs" that would be bad but priceless I could say that's my girl!" Sasuke just face palms praying that Wolf doesn't follow in her daddy's pranking and troublemaking ways.

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