1. Dragons Travel

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Dsov groaned as he rose from his slumber, The human girl still sound asleep. Stormscale was a couple paces away, her elegant snout resting upon her large paws. It was a clear night, the stars shone high, and the moon shined like a marvelous pearl fresh out of water. Dsov could very well go for some clam right now. The trio had landed on an island near Pakistan, their current destination being Nepal where they would stock up on food and visit a 'person' that Stormscale refused to tell them the name of. It was annoying for Dsov, traveling with a human and a dumb dragon; The wolf huffed and walked towards the small beach, which had a lot of mussel and clam that always washed up on shore. His furry hands snatched as many of the shelled creatures he could. In the end, he had a satchel full of them. He also managed to catch and kill 3 seagulls. Emily would be happy about having actual food instead of nuts, leaves and berries. Stormscale rarely eats, seeing as she is made mostly on moonlight and stormy weather. The Two legged wolf trotted back to his companions, setting up a fireplace. It was made of stone and the wood was inside the ring of stone. Cautiously, Dsov tickled the middle of Stormscale snout, which made her sneeze out a tiny plume of flame that ignited the firewood. He grabbed one of the seagulls, plucked it, and placed it over the fire. He did the same for the other 2. "Dsov?" Called Emily's quite voice, her small body crawling out from under Stormscales wing. Emily was about 13 years old. She had curly blonde hair and blue eyes; She wore a hoodie and jeans with sneakers. Emily was obsessed with magical creatures and places. She had once been friends with a boy named Ben, whom has flown off with a dragon to find 'The Rim of Heaven.' Stormscale was mates with Firedrake, and Dsov was Sorrel's biggest crush on earth. Dsov smiled "Morning, Snowstorm. How was your sleep?" Emily shrugged, stretching as her feet trotted through the sand towards Dsov. "Did you get any leaves? Or mushrooms?" Dsov laughed, grinning. "You're just like Sorrel. There's a small pail of jungle leaves and mushrooms and a cocoa bean or too. Its near the backpacks." Emily sauntered over to the bags and pulled out a small wooden plate she made with Ben. It said all of Emily's friends names on it, including Sorrel and Twig-leg. The girl took the plate and pail over to Dsov, whom then placed a cooked wing on Emily's plate, a couple leaves, and a mushroom. Emily grinned as she ate her food, which made her relatively happy. "Its almost night. With Stormscale wake up soon?" Dsov nodded, walking over to the sleeping dragon. "She will. Believe me. I can tell we are near the Rim of Heaven, I can feel it in my fur."
Emily stared into the air "I hope so..."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2017 ⏰

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