King of Tokyo

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Wednesday, August 16th, 2017

Today I played five hours of board games with people at my church. This included two games of King of Tokyo. I am normally really good at that game, as I was today, but lost both times. The second game was really close and literally one turn would determine the winner. Either way, I had a great time. I also got to hang out with Zevos21. (She's cool, go follow her)

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
– Matthew 5:5 (NIV)
"Meek in the Bible is not the same as weak. Meekness literally means gentle. It takes great strength to be gentle. Jesus is implying that the rule and reign on his earth is to be a gentle one. To show restraint is a sign of ruling over your own passions. To be faithful in this little thing makes us rulers over much." -Dave Whitehead

The song if the day is Trouble by RobertIDK. If you have a song suggestion I will give you a shoutout.

If you have any prayer requests or praises please share. I would love to pray for you. Soar in, Eagle Army!

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