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Tuesday, September 18th, 2017

I hate getting attention. It makes it worse I have even more colleges grasping for me. I got three different colleges sending me an email just today. I don't get it. Yes, I'm smart, but not that great. Just stop it, colleges. Wait a while. Or you could offer free tuition and you can for sure see me at your campus.

Happy birthday to Jimmy Fallon and Devyn LaBella! Also, a very happy marriage to Mariah and Grady Johnson!

Happy birthday to Jimmy Fallon and Devyn LaBella! Also, a very happy marriage to Mariah and Grady Johnson!

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Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs

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Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs.
– Proverbs 10:12 (NIV)
"When we are wronged the first reaction can be a desire for revenge—to make the offender pay for the pain they have inflicted upon us. But that only creates more pain and hatred in an ever-increasing circle. Godly love is willing to pay the emotional payment for the wrong done. It is not easy, but in the long run, only love can cover over the deeds and heal the heart." -Dave Whitehead

The song of the day is Mango Breeze by Allison & Vexento (the kittens approve the selection). If you have a song suggestion I will give you a shoutout.

Please send some happy vibes to villaindabi as requested earlier today. Also pray for @DeliriousOwl who is sick with a virus and has an on and off fever. If you guys have any other prayer requests or praises please share. I would love to pray for you. Soar on, Eagle Army!

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