~January 11, 2016 (Yoonie)~

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~Jennie's POV~

It's the next day and I'm prepared for anything that they throw at us. I was exhausted when we came home yesterday. 16 hours of training is no kidding. The only thing that I look forward to is the rapping session because that's what I'm really good at.

 The only thing that I look forward to is the rapping session because that's what I'm really good at

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^^Everything except the shoes and the bottle^^

I got dressed in a comfy outfit. I put on a plain shirt and put a sweater over that and put on leggings. I wore my sneakers and waited in the living room for everyone else. When we were ready I put on a hat and a mask. 

We got into the van and because it's a 15 minute drive I decided to lip-sync so I don't disturb anyone else. I didn't notice that we were already here so I got out and walked in and greeted everyone in the building. The boys were already here so we started with warm-ups and we moved onto vocals. It was Lisa, me, then Rose, and finally Jisoo. There was a 15 minute break so I decided to go outside in the hallway and practice for a while. I was practicing the rapping parts for "Boombayah" when I heard the door creak open but instead I decided to ignore it. I kept going until I was done. When I was done I took off the one headphone in my ear and heard clapping. 

~Yoongi's POV~

When Jin was done with the vocals we had a fifteen minute break. I was planning to go to sleep but I noticed that Jennie walked out of the room. I waited a few minutes so no one notices. When everyone was doing their own thing I walked out and heard Jennie rapping her parts in "Boombayah". When she pulled off her headphone I started clapping. She looked so shocked when she turned around. 

"You're really good at rapping. You should keep on practicing and we'll go over some parts during our lesson. Okay, so the break is almost ending so let's head in." I said turning around and opening the door.

The fifteen minute break ended and it was time for the rapping lessons. The list went from Rose, Jisoo, Lisa, and Jennie. I told Jisoo and Rose not to worry about rapping quickly because they don't have that much rapping parts unlike Lisa and Jennie. I told Lisa that she should practice slowly and gradually get faster when she raps because she struggles. Jennie was next and I was excited because I wanted to hear her rap more. 

The time was passing so quickly that I had to cut off Jennie because we had a 15 minute break. At 6: 20 we get to pick who has to practice with who. I picked Jennie so we can finish discussing on what she struggles with and what are her strengths are. 

~Jennie's POV~

When I heard that I was picked for individual practice with Yoongi I was surprised because I thought that I needed more help in vocals or dancing. In the end, nothing bad happened. Yoongi explained to me that I didn't really need help with rapping it's just that he wanted to listen to me rapping again. He also discussed my weakness and my strengths. 

We finished and we said our good-bye's and headed back to the dorms. We finally arrived and it was 12:18 and I was already feeling so sleepy. I didn't sleep until 1 because Lisa, Jennie, Jisoo, and I discuss what happened today for about an 1 hour or less. 

"So what happened with you and Yoongi today because we all know that you can rap pretty well? Huh." asked Jisoo. 

I just rolled my eyes and said "Nothing we just discussed my weaknesses and strengths. That's all nothing happened and nothing will ever happen between us. So what happened with you guys?" I said trying to change the subject. 

I get bored easily so I headed to the kitchen and heated a pot of tea. I grabbed a mug and poured the tea in. I went to the couch and sat down listening to the conversation. I noticed that Rose left. I decided to leave because it was already getting late so I got up and opened my door and walked over to my bed. 

It's hard for me to go to sleep so I put on classic music or acoustic songs to help me sleep. I plugged in my phone and went in bed. I thought about the weaknesses and strengths that I have. After a few minutes I fell asleep.

~Yoongi's POV~

We got back to the dorm at 12:20 and I head to the bathroom to take a shower and put on comfy clothes. I headed to the kitchen for a quick snack. The wasn't really anything to eat so I just grabbed water and headed to my room. Everyone was already in their rooms or asleep. I went to my desk and looked over a few songs that I composed. I really wanted to make my own mix-tape just like Nmajoon did. 

After a half an hour I decided that we had a long day and week ahead of us so I decided to get in bed. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through the social media feed and watch a few videos. It was already 1 so I put on an alarm and went to sleep.

A/N: This is for today's update but because I have to leave tomorrow to go somewhere I have to go somewhere over the weekend so I'm posting another part today at around 4 pm. Please vote. Thank you!

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