Chapter 3

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            My alarm clock rang clearly with the sunlight pouring through my window. I mumbled as I switched the alarm off and cuddled into the left side of my pillow. Then as I did, I felt a strange but nice, warm sensation against my body. When I opened my eyes, I saw…a man’s bare chest. It was toned and firm, fair in complexion and OH MY GOSH, THERE’S SOMEONE IN MY BED!

            “EEEEEEEK!” I shrieked, tumbling out of my bed. Unfortunately, the man tumbled out with me since he was holding onto me. I began to beat on the man’s chest with my fists. “Let me go, let me go, you pervert! Rapist! What are you doing in my bed?!”

            The man seemed to awaken, lifting himself up with his elbows and looking down at me. He has such beautiful blue eyes, I began to notice. “A-ah! Ow! What is happening?!” He started trying to block my punches.

            Loud footsteps echoed throughout the halls, and my door swung open. “Clara! What’s going on?!” Hiro’s questioning stopped short as he saw the scene. “Wh-what…”

            Ceasing my beatings, I looked around as well and gaped at the sight. Not only was there this man who was on top of me but there was also three other people in my room, all of which were also men; however, the one on top of me was the oldest among them. Actually, the other three looked like they were closer to my age.

            The first one I could spot out of the corner of my eye was near my desk. He had light brown hair that could be described as the color of wheat, gray eyes, and lightly tanned skins. He seemed really tall and slender with a strong build. What was strange about him was his clothing; first of all, he had no shirt and his bottom consisted of what looked like a ceremonial, long loincloth. He had two gold armbands around his right forearm, two gold armbands on each of his ankles, and two maroon stripes on his cheeks. The whole attire seemed really familiar, but I know that I’ve never seen it before. It was just the concept that seemed familiar.

            The second one was leaned against my books. He looked a bit taller than the first odd-looking boy, and he had dark, lustrous brown hair. His eyes were a darker shade of blue than the man on top of me, and he had broad shoulders for someone with a face as boyish as his. He was built well, too, but he wasn’t too muscular. This boy looked as if he went out into the sun a lot. I noticed that he had a mole on his right cheek bone below the corner of his eye. At the moment, he wore a red and white soccer uniform.

            The third must have been at the foot of our bed but had fell from it when the man and myself had fallen as well. He had a pale, white skin complexion with a few freckles. His wavy hair was red with a dark brown tint. He was bony, lanky, and tall with hazel eyes. He wasn’t quite as tall as these boys, but he was definitely taller than the boys in my grade. This boy wore teal hospital scrubs.

            And lastly, I stared at the man in front of me. He was beautifully handsome. Out of all of these men, he was the tallest. Like me, he had blonde hair, but I was a dirty blonde. He had one clear shade of blonde, which was like gold. His hair reached the nape of his neck, and his bangs reached his eyebrows. Clear, light, piercing blue eyes looked into mine, captivating me. Fair, white skin comparable to the freshly bitten fruit of a newly ripe apple touched mine, and as it did, I discovered it felt almost as soft as any girl’s. I saw through his unbuttoned shirt that he, too, had a strong but not-too-muscular build. He was wearing simple, plain pajamas that felt so coarse to the touch.

            All of these men feel so familiar and yet, I know I’ve never actually seen them before…

            “What is going on, Clara?” Hiro’s attempt at sounding firm but failing brought my wandering and observing mind back to reality. “And you! You-you sicko! Get off of Clara!” His voice got stronger and angrier as he took a step closer to us.

            “Ah!” the blonde man said. He looked to me and smiled apologetically but charmingly and elegantly. My heart beat according to his smooth-sounding voice. “My apologies. I don’t know quite what is going on or what this outlandish place is, but it appears that I’ve made you and your, um, companion angry.” The man got up and extended a hand out to me. “I hope you were not injured in our fall?”

            Taking his hand and lifting myself up, I stuttered, “N-not at all…” I wish I could say more to this fascinating stranger, but the words, the questions, and the ideas all got caught in my throat.

            He smiled gently. “I am glad,” he said, letting go of my hand.” The man must have been six-feet or something because he towered over my four-foot-eleven-ness with ease.

            Hiro growled and stomped over, grabbing my hand and pointing to the door. “Leave. Who do you think you are, you pedophile? Just climbing into girls’ beds and sleeping with them. You leave and run for it while I call the police. You’re just lucky that Clara belongs to a family full of really heavy sleepers, and I swear, if they find out…if I find out you, you did something to Clara in her freaking sleep-“ I’ve never seen Hiro so mad before. The man stood bewildered before the hyped-up, teenage Japanese boy who looked like he was ready to punch him.

            I didn’t know how that would happen, though. Hiro looked way different from this handsome man. Hiro looked like he was at least at five-foot and four inches, and he was a skinny kid with no muscle whatsoever. He was pale and white in the Asian way and he had short hair and eyes that were as black as dusty coal. It was clear who would win in a fight.

            I had to stop him. I pulled away from Hiro’s grip and hugged him to make sure that he wouldn’t go over and sock the man. “Hiro, I don’t think he did anything. Don’t do anything, okay? Please don’t do anything. And calm down. Please calm down. My parents are heavy sleepers, but some things can only go so far. Let’s at least let these men explain themselves.” I looked up at the blonde guy and eyed him with a look that said “this better be good.”

            Hiro glared at me and exhaled. “…Whatever. Leave it to me to worry about an idiot like you. But I’m staying here just in case something does happen.” And then he brushed me off like a fly and closed the door.

            “You should treat ladies with a bit more respect,” the man quipped with irritation. I put my hand to where my heart would be, and I could feel my own heart beating faintly but rapidly. Why did my heart beat for such a stranger? I guess I just loved that someone, a man no less, was standing up for me. It was like a knight and his princess.

            “Shut up,” Hiro retorted as he sat next to me on the floor. The man sat opposite to us. “Who are you?”

            The man cleared his throat. “I suppose it would do no harm since this appears to be foreign territory… I am Prince Arion Shoupin I of the Kingdom of Leyash, and I am on a mission to save my land that is in the hands of treacherous conspirators.”

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