Chapter 45

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The next day Feyre, Rhysand, and Mor winnowed Aidan, Azriel, and Amren to the Library of Oinyk in the middle of the Day Court. Amren ordered Cassian to stay home, claiming he didn't know how to read anyhow. 

"Why is it called the Library of Oinyk?" Aidan asked as they pushed through the massive glass doors and into the building. 

From floor to ceiling, books lined the walls and shelves as far as she could see. There were ladders placed around the room for the higher books and glowing lamps hung at varying heights to light up the room. On one side of the library, scrolls upon scrolls were crammed onto shelves and tables. On the other, books covered every surface. 

Amren came up behind her, "Although the Leshon Hakodesh is a lost language, there are many remnants of it in Prythian. Oinyk means wisdom in the Holy Tongue."

"I guess we should split up," Rhys said. "We have a lot of ground to cover. It's forbidden to take anything out of the library, so make sure you've finished up everything you work on before we leave."

Aidan nodded and wandered off into the rolls of scrolls that adorned the left side of the room. A warm hand intertwined with hers as she walked.

"What are you doing?" she asked, examining a dusty shelf. 

Azriel answered, "Researching a prophecy."

"Rhys said to split up," Aidan said, pulling open a scroll that described the waterworks in the Summer Court. 

"He didn't mean me and you," Azriel replied simply, moving his face down to give her a kiss. 

"Yes, he did. This is going to take days for all of us to get through. If you find something though, I might give you a reward," she said smiling. 

"It better be a good one," he grumbled before moving off down the rows of scrolls. 

Aidan walked to the very end of the bookcases, deeper into the library that she would have thought possible, and began opening and shutting them. Some of them were so old that she had to be careful that they didn't disintegrate in her hands. 

Hours passed as she continued looking for any mention of being divided or even of a Fae warrior, but most of the scrolls were accounts of great battles or the estates of the kingdom. There was nothing of value in anything she picked up. The sun started to go down, and the lanterns burned brighter to make up for it. 

As she was getting up to go find the others, a carved wooden roller caught her eye. A bird of fire was carved into the ancient wood, and Aidan went to open it when a voice called down her row. 

"There you are! We're going to go back to Velaris and get some dinner and some sleep!" Mor called. Before she knew what she was doing, Aidan shoved the scroll into the little leather bag that she had taken to carrying around with her. It was the only thing she had from Erilea, and she wasn't keen on losing it. 

"Coming!" Aidan called, and when she reached her friend, they walked through the fold and landed in the middle of the Market Squares. 

Aidan wondered if she would be able to winnow when she returned to Adarlan as Azriel threw his arm over her shoulders. The six of them walked through the Palace of Bone and Salt, where the streets were just then beginning to pick up. A group of musicians played on one street corner, and though they were in the middle of a war, Aidan felt the happiness of the group amplify. 

A rush of air hit her from behind as Cassian's wings blew the air in her direction before he landed next to them.

"Well, did you find anything?" he asked, plucking an apple off of a vendor's cart and throwing him a coin. 

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