Chapter 48

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The hawk that Aelin had sent out never returned, and its disappearance confirmed what Rowan had told her that night in the tent. Adrian and his Femorian troops had not only broken through Terrasen's lines and borders but had marched all the way to Orynth and taken the capital. Aelin wandered how Adrian had taken the city so quickly. When she rebuilt it, she'd done her best to make it impenetrable. 

Now, her cousins were being held captive along with the rest of Orynth's citizens, and they knew she was coming. They had probably intercepted both of the hawks Aelin had sent in the last few weeks, and Aelin wanted to punch herself for being so stupid. 

Her and Doranelle's troops had marched for days, setting up camp along the road in the forest. Many people would have said she was crazy for marching five thousand soldiers through the ancient forest, but the Little Folk had been leaving her little gifts along the way, acknowledging her intentions and presence in the woods. 

"They're going to be ready for us when we arrive," Gavriel said, walking alongside her. 

"I know."

"They'll have built up the city defenses to keep us out," he continued. 

"I know."

"We don't have enough food to last through a siege, Aelin," he said, putting a hand on her arm. 

She pulled away and said, "I understand, Gavriel, but they are on the inside of the walls, and we are on the outside, where they've abandoned the greatest farmland in Erilea. I'm hoping to take the city without starving them out. Starving out Femora means starving Terrasen's people too." 

"Maeve would have burnt the entire city to the ground," Gavriel pondered. 

Aelin asked, "Have you ever sieged a city?" 

"The Cadre and I took several cities in that way, yes," he replied. 


"Why do you ask?"

"Because the last time Orynth was under siege, my entire family was murdered, and I became the most feared assassin on this continent," Aelin replied.

"And?" Gavriel countered. 

"And I'm not in the business of making orphans, or assassins for that matter. I want to take back Terrasen with as little bloodshed as possible."

It was another two days trek through the forest and through the smaller mountains that were used as a natural defense for the capital. The western path through the Staghorns was not a well-tread one. Most people preferred to avoid the mountain range completely and meet the King's Road that led into Orynth. 

The path slowed them down only a little, many of the soldiers were well trained in combat and harsh conditions. When snow started to fall on their last day, Aelin hoped that Aidan had someone escaped from her aunt. 

Once the city came into view, tucked into the base of a mountain, Aelin gave the order to stop for the night. 

"We'll camp here tonight. Give me a piece of parchment," Aelin said.

Rowan handed her the paper and pen, asking, "What are you doing?"

"Oh, I'm writing my terms of surrender," Aelin shrugged. "1. Femora will vacate Orynth, Terrasen, and then Erilea within two weeks time. 2. Adrian will release the royal families of all conquered nations. 3. Femora will pay for the costs of repairs needed in any and all kingdoms that were caused by it. Anything else?"

She looked at her army, which was busy readying fires and tents to keep out the chilly air. Any later in the year, and she wouldn't have considered marching to Orynth. The mountains would have treacherous, and they would have become trapped. 

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