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Zayns pov:
Art went surprisingly quick and honestly wish it didn't. "So hey maybe you'd like to eat lunch with me?". Niall says cheerily. See I usually eat in the library alone...and I don't trust Niall too much yet...but what good is it if I just ignore him if I don't get too know him. "Sure". I say softly. Niall smiles big "okay cool, see you then". With that we both go our separate ways. I start heading to my 3rd period which is English class. As soon as I walk in I stop in my tracks. Right at the back of the class is no other than Harry styles. Oh god oh god....what do I do?? I can't no I won't make it. I hesitantly walk over to an empty front desk and take a seat. I take notice that a teacher isn't around. That's not good either. I start to gulp as I hear footsteps come my way. "Well well well....isn't it little nerd Zayn". I hear the devil himself say. "Got new glasses huh? What a shame". As he says. I look down slowly. "Look at me when I talk to you!!!". He yells as he roughly lifts my chin up to look at him. His green eyes full of anger while mine would appear fearful. "Alright alright settle down boys please take your seats". I hear what must be the teacher say. Harry chuckles with a smirk and flicks my head as he walks back to his seat. "My apologies". Harry says with a fake smile.I cower lowly into my chair feeling so small and fragile. I think this year will be the worst.

By the time English class was over I was the first one out. I booked it to my locker to put my book away and I ran to the cafeteria. It was lunch time. I waited a little until I saw Niall. Once I did see him he was already sitting down. He looks up seeing me and waves his arm at me to sit with him. "Hey over here!". He says. I jog over to him and take a seat across from him. "Hey..you okay?". He says with concern. I must still be scared. I nod my head "yeah..I'm fine". I say softly. "You sure? You look like you just saw a demon or something". He says with concern. I did see a demon and that demon was Harry. "No I'm fine really". I say lying. He shrugs a bit "alright I guess". I show a small fake smile and then say "uhm I think Ima go get some food". Niall nods. "Okay I will wait here". I start to get up and walk towards the lines. But as I walk I didn't realize that Harry was coming towards me. And once I did know he was he poured all of his lunch and drink on top of my head. I immediately stop in my tracks covered in food and milk. People all around me were laughing. I look back to Niall  to see what he was doing. He was standing up with shock. I can feel tears start to well up in my eyes and so I instantly start to run out of cafeteria. "Wait Zayn!". Niall says trying to grab my arm. Which he fails to do as I run faster. Tears already pouring out of my eyes. My vision becomes a bit blurry. I had no where else to go but one place. Home. I go to my locker and grab my car keys. People start filing out of the cafeteria coming towards me and taking pictures. Niall comes to view and comes running to me "Zayn? What's going on...why are they like this". I cry even harder shaking my head as people started filing around us. "Awh is little Zayn trying to get away?! And awh is there a little helper too?". Harry says with venom in his voice. "Leave him alone!! Don't you see he's had enough!!!". Niall says yelling back. "Oooh we have a back talker over here". Says Liam Harry's friend. Harry nods his head with a smirk. "And I think they will both love it when we use this". He takes out a knife. My eyes go wide in fear...I remember that knife all too well...he's used it on me. This would be the second time. NO I won't let this happen!!! Especially when Niall is now involved. I noticed the keys in my hands so I instantly grab niall's arm and start maneuvering through the crowd as fast as I could. I start heading towards the front doors of the school. Harry and his friends start to chase after us. But I do not stop to look back. We make it out side sprinting. "Where are we going". Niall says with a little fear. "Just follow me". I say. I sprint quickly along with Niall to the teachers parking lot and see my car come into view.  I unlock my car with my keys and tell Niall to get in. He does as told as I turn the engine on. But Harry is right at the passenger window by the time I do that . He then slams the knife on the window making an immediate crack. I then back up my car in fear before he could do anything else and speed off. As I'm far enough I look into my view rear mirror and see one of the security at our school grab Harry. The security actually caught him this time...what does this mean? My thoughts then become closed when Niall says, "Zayn....please explain ...what just happened!" He says with fear. I sigh a bit. "His name is Harry....he bullies me....ever since middle school....he would call me names and hurt me..everyone laughed...I've always been known as the nerd". I say as a tear drops. "I'm so sorry Zayn...I really am...I promise...to this day...that I won't leave you...". Niall says caringly. I look towards him. "No one has ever said that to me". I say with barely a whisper. "We'll get use to it". He says with a small smile. It's quiet for a minute then I say "he's used that knife on me before". "Is that where this came from". He says as he touches a scare along the side of my neck. "Yes". I say simply then add "he would never go for killing me...but he'd hurt me and the  first time he used the knife he did multiple slits to my body..not just my neck...but him taking it out a second time..I just couldn't go through that again and I didn't want you to be involved". Insight to myself  realizing that Niall can't help me. I can't have him involved. "look..Niall I understand you want to help...but helping me will only make you get hurt too...and I can't have that. Tomorrow...I want you to do me a favor". "What favor". He asks quietly. "Pretend to hate me...even beat me if you need to...". I say in all seriousness. "What?! That's crazy Zayn I can't do that!!!". He says denying me. "No please just do it...I know I barley know you...but I can't see you getting hurt...I can't....please do this...I just want you safe...if you start to hate me then Harry will leave you alone...please....I'm already use to his beatings and name calling...so just do this..for me..please". I say as tears are about to come out. Niall does a long sigh. "Alright...I'll do it...but after school I will be here for you okay? I won't be at school but you can't stop me after school. I want to be your friend no matter what! So take it or leave it". I think about it for a moment and nod my head agreeing. "Okay...". I say then add,"oh and tomorrow make it look real that you hate me or Harry won't buy it". "I will try my best ...even tho I really don't want to". Niall says a bit sadly. "Okay...then its settled....". I say with confidence. "Tomorrow. You will beat me".

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