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Zayns pov:
Today was the day. Honestly I have no idea what's about to come. But then again I know what is suppose to happen. I say a quick goodbye to my mom and walk out of the house. I hop into my car and take a deep breath. Here we go. I text Niall since I got his number yesterday and tell him to be ready. By the time I get to school my body was now shaking. Is this too crazy? Is it worth it? Yes it is!! I can't afford Niall getting hurt. I walk down the halls of school until I'm met with Niall. He looks rather angry. "You!! You got me into this and I never wanted to be". He says as he shoves me to the lockers. Here we go...I gulp uneasily. People started to crowd around with shocked and smiley faces. "I never liked you and I never wanted to help you". Niall says as he shoves me against the lockers again. I can feel the pain behind my back. "Hold it ...hold it...hold it". I hear Harry say as he walk on over. His Cheshire smile already appearing. "You...hate Zayn? That's funny because last time I checked you wanted to help him". "Oh I do hate him!". Niall says as he holds the collar of my shirt up. "Really now? Then hit him! Hard...in the face". Harry says with a sly smile. Oh no....this is going to hurt. "Fine". Niall says as he starts to lift his hand into a fist. I close my eyes tightly already feeling scared. I then feel the hardest contact to my face that I haven't felt in a long time. A stingy sensation all around my cheek already feeling a bruise form. "Oh so you can hit him....use this then". Harry says as I slowly open my eyes and see him pull out his knife. Oh god no....this was a bad idea....Niall please don't...please. Niall takes hold of the knife and looks at it and gulps. "You stab him then you prove to us that you hate him". Harry says as everyone laughs and nod their head. Niall looks at me without anyone seeing saying a small sorry. My body starts to shake unprepared for anything. "Make sure you get his side". Harry says ,"I want to see him drop". Niall nods slowly and lifts u the knife. He then takes a fast swing and instantly stabs me in the side. I do what Harry had said..I fall straight to the floor in agonizing pain. Everyone clapped heir hands then dispersed once the bell rang. I can barely see but Harry pats Niall's shoulder and walks away taking the knife away with him. Niall waits till there's no one in sight and bends down to me. Tears already coming out of his eyes. "Zayn...I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry". My body shakes as I can't answer. Niall then all of a sudden picks me up bridal style. "I need to take you to the hospital you're bleeding out". He says in hurry.

Harry's pov:(WHAAAAAA)
Why...how could I do such things?...how could I do this to someone that I love. I stare at the bloody knife that the blonde guy had just used. I'm a monster. And for what?! Just because I don't want the world to know that I'm gay and in love with the nerd. I'm so far in that it's too late to come out. I can't stop...I can't. There's nothing I can do to change...being a bully is what I am. I don't even know if he's okay. Oh god I'm going to cry! "Excuse me! Can I use the restroom". I say out loud and the teacher nods. I quickly get up and make my way out of the room then speed walking to the bathrooms. I made sure no one was in the bathroom before walking in and locking it. I walk into a stall and I feel tears. I just wanted to scream and punch things. Seeing zayns fragile body laying on the floor seeing his bruised cheek and the blood coming from his side. I squeeze my eyes shut and feel anger and regret towards myself. How can I do this? Everyone already expects so much out of me. They want me to hurt him....but I ...I don't think can anymore.

Nialls pov:
"He will be okay ". The Doctor says with reassurance. "So you said a shard of glass hit his side when he broke the plate". He asks once again and I nod. "Yes and I came downstairs to see him with blood so I took him here". I say as I lie. The doctor nods with a funny look but writes it down anyways."alright well we will get him stitches ...and the bruise on his cheek...that was the wall?". I nod once again. "I didn't get to see what happened but that is what he slurred".  The doctor once again gives me a funny look but writes it down anyways. "Okay well I will be right back and we'll call you on back later so you can take him home". I nod and sit back down on the chair. I sit and wait for about 2 hours until I'm called back. I get up quickly and walk to where Zayn was staying. "Hey...".  I say as I walk in. "He shows a small smile. "Hey Niall....you did it". I sigh a bit "I'm not proud of it and I honestly cried". "It's okay....I just can't have you getting hurt..everything is back to normal". I say quietly. "Yes...but see Zayn...it just doesn't feel bad...you know what...you can't make my decisions for me I make my own...I don't care if I get bullied I don't care about Harry or anyone else...if I want to protect you I will protect you...I will never let this happen to you again...and you can't tell me that I can't because I'm going to anyways". I say with seriousness and sternesss. Zayn stares at me for a good few minutes and then tears start to form in my eyes. "Ok...". Is all he says. I walk over and wrap my arms around him. "I won't ever let Harry hurt you again...I promise". I say softly. With that Zayn carefully wraps his arms around me and hugs me. And his last words for that time was "thank you". The Doctor recommends him to stay home for the rest of the week and for me or someone to keep an eye on him.  I will do my best to take care of him and make sure that he's okay. Taking him home was easy...however getting him out of the car was hard. He had a giant bandage around his side. I helped him up to his house. He told me to just unlock the door with the key that was in their plant. I hold his arm with one of my hands while I grab the key. I unlock the door and walk in. His mom wasn't here I'm guessing because it was deathly quiet. I help Zayn inside and walk him to the stairs. "hold to the stairway while I close the front door and lock it. He does as told and I close and lock the front door. I jog back to the stairs and start helping him up the stairs. Every so often Zayn winces in pain. "I'm sorry ...I'm sorry ". I say sadly. "It's okay Niall really". He says trying to act better. But we both know that right now things are horrible right now. We get to his room and help him get undressed into some sweats and a loose t shirt. I walk him over to his bed and set him down slowly. "Niall...". He says barely above a whisper. "Yeah?". I say. "Will you stay here with me...". He says with pain in his eyes. "Of course yes of course ". I say concerned. Zayn slowly pats his bed for me to lay with him. I make my way to the side that's empty and lay down. "I'm here...and I won't leave you". I say softly as I see Zayn close his eyes slowly. "Sweet dreams...Zayn".

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