137. Sorry, sorry, sorry

157 25 4

Yano: sorry I'm late, I had some matters to attend to.

B-Joo: *walks in, clearly disheveled* he PUSHED me down the fucking STAIRS

Guess what I referred to in the title my lads.

Also, I just want to say something about the rants I've posted over time: I'm really sorry if I offended anyone, for example with my rant on poorly written stories. Personally, don't worry if your spelling or grammar isn't perfect! Neither is mine, for English isn't my mother tongue.
lol izu is gonna vent a bit now: what bothers me most is the lack of punctuation and separated paragraphs. Some chapters are just... one paragraph of 700 words, which quote bothers me to be frank, it just kind of visually disturbs me? And it kinda makes me feel... disoriented when I read it because it all makes it look like there's so many things happening at once if that even makes sense.

„He hugged me then let me go I walked away from where we were and I looked back at him and smiled he smiled back my phone went off and I picked up seeing it was my mom who's calling me I said hi." please tell me I'm not the only one who finds it unpleasant to read that kinda things...

Okay I've probably offended people by now, so I probably will delete the whole thing later. I'm going to go sulk now, I love you guys and I don't want to hurt any of you.

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