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Y/N's P.O.V

I screamed a little realizing who I just yelled at and ducked. "Aish this is so embarassing..." I covered my face with my hands and started to curse silently under my breath.


"Hey! Girl! Get back up we wanna talk to you!" A familiar voice that belonged to Chen screamed. I mentally dug myself into a hole and peeked at the window. To only see Chen basically almost falling out the window trying to get closer, then Kai pulling him back in and Baekhyun laughing.

"Uhm hello...?" I peeked until half my face was visible. They all started to be quiet, and then Kai suddenly spoke. "She's really pretty.." Chen slapped his arm and then he pouted. I covered my face with my hands. "Did he really just call me pretty.." I whispered to myself.

"Aish! Pabo thats rJ from Red Velvet! Idiot! You saw her on the live stream!" Baekhyun also slaps Kai's arm and he yelps. "I remember, you are the maknae am I wrong..?" He looks at me with puppy dog eyes and I swear my heart literally melted in my body. "U-uh yeah I am" I blush and look away. Chen laughs at my reaction and I glare. "All of exo is coming to watch you perform tomorrow! So is a few other groups, so you better be good!" Baekhyun says.

"I won't let anyone down!" I say confidently. "We are going to go to bed now so bye rJ-ah!'' Kai says and they shut the window and leave.

I quickly slam the window shut and hold my chest and sink down against the wall. "Oh my god that was so stressful..

I go to shut my lights and tuck myself into the bed and begin to sleep.


Next morning


I AM SO SORRY THIS IS SO SHORT I AM HAVING SO MUCH STRESS!!! Also all my creativeness went ba bye when I tried so HARD! I decided I am just gonna publish this because it's better than nothing. :(((( So SO SOOOOO sorry for the wait hope you can understand .. ily!

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