Double Trouble

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The next day...

I wake up in my bed wondering how I got here and I then looked down to notice I'm wearing my Pj's. I then get out of bed and look at my phone and I saw that I got 10 texts from Kyle and 3 from and unknown person... probably Jessica, ugh. I then put on my slippers and take a shower...immediately after I hear my phone ring. I looked at the Caller ID and see that Kyle was calling me, I answered and I heard him say frantically "Are you okay? You really worried me yesterday. Are you sore?" And I replied "Yeah I'm very sore, I have a black eye and some bruises on my chest that hurt, but I'll be fine for now."

Then he said "Well that's good, -sighs- when I found you I was so worried, and.. it broke my heart seeing you in that condition all because I yelled at you. I'm so sorry It's all my fault you got hurt, I never should have reacted that way. Plz don't be mad." I then replied "Oh my.. Kyle look it's not your fault it's my fault for getting jealous about and Jess exchanging looks. I shouldn't have gotten so angry and snapped at you. I'm so embarrassed. It's my fault I got beat up not yours. So, I'm sorry too."

He then told me "I forgive you Naomi, you know that me and Jess broke up yesterday, we were together, but know we're not because of what she did to you. Also she got suspended for forcing the Jocks on you like that, and TJ, Finn, and Noah. Got expelled cause apparently they have a pretty strict policy on physical violence at this school." -he laughs-

Then I say "Um.. Kyle. So, what would you say to us being friends...?"

He replied with a response I never would have imagined someone saying to me "No. I don't wanna be just friends, I wanna be best friends. We have lots in common. And I just met you yesterday and I already feel like we are meant to be best friends. So.. I would like to be your best friend."

I said, "sure I would love that because I don't have any friends except for you, so sounds great (she smiles happily). Oh.. shoot I gotta go.. it's Taco night. Um.. can you meet me at the Diner on 45th street tomorrow at 2:30?

He replied with a "Sure."

I then said "Okay great, I will see you there. Thanks again Kyle for saving me. Can't wait to see you again. Bye."(She smiles with excitement)

She hung up the phone... and sighed. I can't believe I'm falling for him already.. and then she realized her plan to play all three guys from Social Studies may interfere with her and Kyle's friendship causing her to lose him forever.

(Sorry about another time jump.. making it up to you guys with longer chapters)

Tomorrow at 2:00....

I just finished reading my book as my alarm goes off to get ready to meet Kyle at the Diner. I rush to my bathroom to style my hair and condition my face and body. As I finish.. getting ready I hear a notification "ding" on my phone and look to see that Kyle texted me "Where are you? I just got to the Diner" I looked down at my phone to realized it's 10 minutes to 2:30. And I start realizing that the bus doesn't get back to the bus stop till 2:40. And I can't be late for our meet-up. So, I decide to take the 2:35 train. I know I'll be a little late, but it will be worth it to see him.

I finally arrive at the Diner, with my Aqua Blue Shirt with White Shorts and black flats. I look around to see Kyle in the back corner booth waving to me, then I glance over and see Jessica getting in the booth sitting next to him, and as she kisses him on the cheek. I knew it was a trap. I walk out of the restaurant with tears cascading down my cheeks, as I hear Kyle yelling my name, but I ignore it. And I walk to the Chinese Place down the street, to take my frustration out on Orange Chicken.

As I walk into the Chinese Restaurant I notice a dragon hanging above me it was red with yellow patterns on its stomach and sides, I have gone here every day with my dad after gymnastics when I was younger, I haven't been in here since my dad died in 9/11. This place brought back memories of me and him, it somewhat game me relief to forget Kyle, and forget my developing feelings for him. I slide into a two seat table, and pick up my menu waiting to order, the waiter walks up to me and to my dismay, its one of the guys from my Social studies class that I was hitting on.

Then suddenly he spoke "Hello my name is Bryan, I will be taking your order today. Would you like to hear about our specials?"

As soon as he realized it was me, he said
"Oh.. my god your that girl that Jack moved over for.. WOW! You must be special he barely EVER does that for a girl.

And I just nodded with a sarcastic yes. I then told him

" I would like the Orange Chicken platter with a to go box of fortune cookies plz." He then nodded, and told me he would be right back with my order.

I sat in silence trying to define my thoughts.. only thinking of how evil my plan was, and how it may not work, and how it would hurt not only all three of them, but also Kyle. Then again who cares about KYLE! He broke my heart when he let her kiss him. Bryan returns from the kitchen with my Orange Chicken Platter and Coke, a fortune cookies. Then he sits down in the seat across from me. Startling me...

He suddenly starts speaking "Hey, you look like you've had a rough day. Am I right?"

I sarcastically replied "Yes, but honestly it's none of your business."

He then says "GEEZ! Okay. I was just trying to help, I'm good at this sort of thing you know. You don't have to be afraid to tell me what's wrong."

I then sighed and told him "Okay, I'm sorry. It's just I've had a rough night, I went to the Diner and tried meeting up with Kyle and I ended up seeing him in a booth with Jessica, and as she kissed him on the cheek I left in tears.. and I ran all the way here.. as he was yelling me name, trying to get me to come back to the Diner. That's how I ended up here, talking to you. I'm sorry for being rude. It's just it's hard for me to open up my feelings to others, when I'm worried of getting used or hurt.

What Bryan did next shocked me, he grabbed my hand he his thumb across the back of my hand soothingly. Then he said "Look it's gonna be okay, your brave, and your gonna get through this, is there anything else you wanna tell me? If you don't wanna tell me anymore it's fine, I can wait till your ready. -he smiles"

I blushed and told him everything else about my dad and about how I got beat up by three jocks and Jessica and her minions. Afterwards he payed for my food, and before I was about to leave, he grabbed me in a warm embrace. I hesitantly hugged him back, worried he may try something I'm not ready for, but that's all we did was hug for what seemed to be forever before he let go, and kisses my cheek, and walked me out of the restaurant.

He then asked "Would you like a ride home? I'm on break for a while."

I shockingly replied "Sure, thanks." As soon as I say that I hear Jess by the Diner holding hands with Kyle and I saw her smug look when she kisses him passionately, but of course I see Kyle was hesitant and not pleased and upset. I knew he wanted that kiss to be with me, but he had to earn my trust back since he broke it, but then again.. I never heard his side of the story. So I decided as soon as I get home I'll call him and let him explain since I've somewhat calmed down now.

As I get in the car with Bryan, all I can think about is how he'll react to my call, or how frustrated he will sound, I'm scared, but also glad to hear is voice again.

As soon as I get home, Bryan kisses my hand and says "Goodnight Princess."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2017 ⏰

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