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      The cheering and screaming becomes distorted as my lips are pressed against my teeth, blood splattering out. My weight is sent back against the pavement, the rocks scratching against my exposed flesh, a flaky white trail of peeled skin absorbing the blood that squirts out from my wounds. Snarling leaves my throat, unshackled malicious intent pulling me back up to face the man in front of me. We raise our fists, each other's blood on our knuckles and our breaths ragged and uneven. I shift my feet weakly to keep myself from dropping, my fleeting adrenaline becoming more dangerous than my opponent. I feel my face flushed with heat and my muscles shaking from staying in one place. The bloodthirsty need to win prompts me to push my speed against my heel and thrust my weight against him, fist rushing in for the blow. My boney knuckles connect with his sticky sweat as he blocks with his forearm, the strong aroma of mildew and body odor distract me from his opposite fist plowing into my stomach. Saliva and blood fly out my mouth, staining the slits of my teeth. Stumbling back, I conjure as much adrenaline as I have left and thrust myself at him again, ducking from his swings and trying to withstand the blows to my arms, trying to keep them blocking my face. I pay close attention and the moment I feel the punch with less momentum I realize his adrenaline is suffering more than his fresh bruises. I lower my arms, smiling uncontrollably when I see him grasping his knees, his face inflating with bumps and painted with blood. I bask in the sound of his wheezing and hold his head between my hands, grunting loudly as I send my leg up, aligning the middle of his face with my knee, feeling his bones and flesh cave in. With that final blow I relieved myself of the last ounce of adrenaline I had left and enjoy the loud cheering around me. I stare at his motionless body for a moment as I realize what I had done. No one batted an eye at the small fact that he wasn't breathing.

I stumble through the crowd, prying apart the hands exchanging bets. Sprinkles of rain smear my blood and make me slip against the puddles. I turned slowly, seeing the crowd splitting apart, leaving the man dead in the rain. I stumble a few more feet until I catch myself on a corner, the wet brick wall holding me up from passing out. I take deep breaths, spiting out residue blood and realizing two things. The first was that I am getting a free shower from the rain that started pouring against my skin. The second was that I can't remember what the fight was about. 

I press my back against the wall, my wet orange hair knotting up as I slide down. Reaching my hands back, I pull my gas mask back on so not to smell the sewage or fumes from exploding gas pipes. Faint shuffling comes from ahead of me, I close my eyes, praying it was just the rain. I crack my eyelids apart like blinds the moment I hearing growling and snapping bones. I watch as the man I had killed get up to his knees, skin greying and gums rotting. I don't budge as his eyes turn into white, soulless clouds, his head snapping toward me. 

I take in a deep breath and pull out the revolver from my holster, my muscles sore and begging me to stop moving. I glance at his body continuing to decay as he gets to his feet, wobbling and snarling at the rain. I stare at the gun and smile, counting the empty holes. The Z snarls as he lunges toward me with mindless hunger.

"Alright." I sigh, getting up weakly, "Round two, asshole." 


I stumble in front of the gate, raising my hands above my head to signal that I am alive. Passed the sound of my gas mask wheezing, I hear rifles cocking, I glace at the two guards adjusting their aim over the cover of the large gate. "Maren?" one of them asks. I lift up my head, rain making my bangs stick to my forehead. "Damn, you took a hell of a beating, I'd hate to see the other guy." he chuckles dryly, lowering his rifle.

I frown and grip the satchel that hung on my shoulder, "Pieces of him you mean."

His eyes widen and he quickly twists his head over his shoulder and yells behind the gate, "Best not keep the lady waiting!" 

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