The Singer

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Y/N raced through the dressing rooms, eager to start her performance. She could already tell that it was going to be good. She ran to the lift and stood on it, with only 10 seconds to go. She counted down in her head. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Finally the lift started and she instantly went into her pose with one arm straight up in the air and the other across her head, holding onto the arm straight in the air. When the lift stopped, she quickly sniffed the air, trying to see if anyone in the audience was a werewolf. She realised that most of the audience was werewolves. Y/N brought her arms down and started to sing. She didn't realise that there was a pair of eyes looking back at her, belonging to a very special person. 

While she was singing, she thought about herself. She was 5'7 with Y/H/C and Y/E/C. Her family was very small with her father Y/F/N and her brother Y/B/N. She didn't remember her mother as her mother died when she was young.

As she finished her last song, the lights went out and she walked towards the middle of the stage. The lights turned back on and an announcer walked onto stage. The announcer walked over to her and started to speak. 

"Those were amazing songs Y/N. Can you answer some questions about yourself quickly." The announcer asked.

"Sure." She said.

"First question. Why did you choose to become a singer?"

"Well when I was little, my dad told me that I could be whatever I wanted. I wanted to be a singer so I became one." Y/N said.

"OK. Next question. Do you have a boyfriend?" 

"No, because I don't want to be tied down." She said.

The questions stopped after five more questions. She smiled brightly as the lights went out again and her voice echoed through the room.

"Thank you for coming and have a lovely night!"

The doors opened and she stepped onto the lift, going down and the lights turned on. Everyone went out and she returned to the dressing room. She sat down and sighed, starting to let her hair out. Suddenly the lights turned off. She looked around but couldn't see anything. Suddenly a rag covered her face. She tried to scream but inhaled a scent that caused her to faint. Before she passed out, she heard a voice.

"Do you not know what chloroform is?"

She realised something before everything went black.

Her mate just kidnapped her.

417 words

So how is it so far?

This chapter is dedicated to @sasha4696lol because she helped me start this off!

So thanks for reading this book so far!

This was done in less than an hour so sorry if it is bad!

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