Chapter 21- •

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Chapter 21- In which the days feel like years

Three more days.

Gosh, its so hard to count the weeks or months where we'll be apart, only to be in each others arms for a few days.

But, never let it get to you. It seems like it would be a big factor in long distance relationship, but really? Its not that important.

No matter where you go, anywhere near or far your loved ones, you would never fail to set each others hearts into a marathon and send their mind into a frenzy mess.

Gabe certainly does all that to me. Without fail.

And its even harder for us now, because you can tell we are just so into each other.

Only, we haven't said it yet.

Love. We haven't said the big thing that will change us.

I love you.

Or well, I love him. I love Gabriel Conte. I love everything about him.

I love how cute he looks when he's excited or pumped up for something. I love how great he is at doing things, even is he had never done it before.

I love how loyal he is to God, never turning his back on Him.

I love how his eyes light up every time he sees his Lego set collections.

I love how his eyes sparkles when he's talking to me, face to face.

I love how he can make everything better with just cracking up lame jokes.

I love his kisses and hugs too you know.

Someone laughing and gagging snapped me out of my trance.

"Yes. I sure can tell you fell hard for this American boy. I didn't know you could get that mushy, Jess.", a voice said.

I narrow my eyes at the intruder in my room.

"Its rude to just barge in my room, you know. Haven't you ever heard of knocking?"

Sarah just plops herself on my couch and make herself comfortable.

"You are truly gross, Jess. Besides, quit thinking out loud."

"And...", she continues. Leaving me hanging.

"And?", I asked.

"And its getting really hilarious to hear your midnight thoughts about a boy that you're dating."

"I love his kisses and hugs too you know.", she said.

Clearly she's mocking me.

"Is it wrong to like my boyfriend's kisses?", I questioned.

She gagged and snorted, then stormed out of my room while laughing, but not before yelling: "Mom! Dad! Toby! Prepare yourself when Jess is talking to you! Never know when she would space out and suddenly talk about kissing Gabe!"

Immediately after that, Dad came in my room and looked at me squarely in the eyes.

He began talking about how boys  and how they shouldn't ever be trusted unless their intentions are pure.

I groaned in embarrassment and mumbled: "Sorry, Dad. But he's a good boy. And I love him."

Dad looked at me before sighing and hugging me.

"My baby is falling in love. And with a boy from the other side of the world."

Mom rushed in the room and began to pull Dad out.

"What are his intentions? I need to have a talk with this boy. I still don't trust him yet, until we've talked about this.", Dad grumbled while grunting at Mom.

"Dear, when did you get so strong?", he asked Mom.

Mom just sent me a wink and dragged Dad out of the room.

Huh, weird.

Oh well, 3 more days.

"Babe, I'm gonna be so busy these few days. I can't wait till I can see you and hug you. I miss you so much."

My heart melted into a puddle.

"I miss you too, sweet. Counting the seconds for the both of us before you'd land in Australia."

We texted each other a little more, before he went out to do his work and stuff.

I love him. I can't wait to tell him that.

With that final thought, I went to sleep with Gabe's face in my mind.


"Dear, wake up. Your mom has bought some breakfast for you, and she's on the way home now."

When Dad woke me up, I just wanted to snuggle back under the covers and never come back out.

Until the day Gabe lands in Australia, of course.

Just thinking about him put me in greater spirits, and I just felt so energized.

But nevertheless, I was still tired.

I woke up groggily and smiled at the fact I won't have cramps till the next month.

Urghhh, periods. How annoying.

Deciding I wanted to shower and head out to meet Jess today, I headed for the shower.

Right before I closed the door, my phone rang.

"Dearie, what are you up to now?", mom asked from across the call.

"I'm up now. Heading for the shower. I think I'd be going out for a while. Maybe an hour perhaps."

"I see. I just came back from an appointment, so I think I'd reach home in an hour. Do you need me to do anything?", I asked.

It was eerily quiet over the line, and I wondered if Mom was still there.


"Hmmm, sweetie. Its alright, just be home before 9.30. I would like you to meet someone."

"Who's the person?"

"Just be home by then and see alright."

I narrowed my eyes at how my mother was acting suspicious and all.

"Fine. I'll be home by then."

I took my shower and headed out for the day, and also to get Gabe some Aussie snacks for him to try.

Just three more days.

Listen to Unstoppable by Matty Mullins✌

P.S: comment where are you from so I could at least adjust my updating time to make it convenient for you guys :-)

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