On the road so far....
I woke up to the sound of my alarm roaring into my ear and a cold chill covering the whole room, it was 4:30 AM and I had to get up already. I pushed down on the top of the device and the noise ceased, I got up from the bed, put on some camouflage jeans, black combat boots, a black tank top and a button up plaid shirt, I opened the door of the motel room and a burst of air hit me straight on, I outstretched my hand to a shelf placed beside me, my hands glazed over dust until finally they clanked a solid item, I ripped my keys from the shelf and closed my door after walking outside, making sure it locked.
I began to head down the stairs that lead to the parking lot, my movement lazy from my lack of sleep, using my keys I unlocked my car and got in, strewn across my passenger seat was a fully loaded double-barrel shotgun, along with a whole box of self-made 'Hunter' packs and First Aid kits, I drove for a while, no destination in mind, but turned back as soon as I reached a dividing river which marked a dead end, I concluded that there was no 'strange' activity from any of the Supernatural's tonight, and headed back to the motel.
This time I hurried up the stairs, but realised I forgot to lock my car so I went back down and locked the car with my keys, I then swiftly ran upstairs, nearly tripping on my own feet, my walking was even slower and lazier than this morning, it was around midday now and I had only gotten up to one hour of sleep, nevertheless I continued sluggishly moving until I was in front of my room, I rested my head on my door, while placing my keys into the keyhole, though it took me some time to actually turn them to unlock the door, eventually I did.
I walked inside and practically threw the keys back onto the shelf, they bounced off the wall just above the shelf and fell back onto the floor, just proving that I didn't 'practically' throw them but that I 'literally' threw them, Ugh! sometimes I hate my brain for correcting me.
I turned my body 180 degrees and now faced a small wall mirror, my short, platinum blonde hair, looked a mess and my bright blue eyes had now turned into more of a dull grey colour, I looked extremely pale and not to mention tired, which was obvious by the small - but dark - bags under my eyes.
I began treading across the room until walking in my shoes became too much of an effort, without any thought whatsoever I lazily removed my shoes and didn't bother to place them neatly, but instead with the flick of my foot, sent them flying into the kitchen, I passed Eden's neatly made bed, only to arrive at my fixed bed as well, I flopped down onto it and within actual seconds I had passed out cold.
The Hunter's Demise
FanficSam and Dean arrive at a town for a case they're working on, Hunter's and Supernatural Being's alike have been showing up dead in this exact area, Little do they know that two Demon's are behind the deaths, Eden - Half - Demon, Half - ??? -The Princ...