Eden Aka. Princess of Hell

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It was the middle of the night and I was pretending to be asleep, I could hear Max shuffling around, she hadn't slept at all yet and I was highly concerned, discreetly I flipped my body in her direction and adjusted my body in a comfortable position, adding to my act by mumbling incoherent words and then shutting up, she looked towards me for what seemed like forever, then turned away, continuing what she was doing fro around two hours, until her eyelids suddenly began to droop and she laid her head back against her barely used pillow and fell into sleep.

I decided that I'd sleep for just a little longer and after a while I woke up, I looked over at Max's alarm clock and saw the small digital figures of 3:00 AM, I silently moved out of my bed and carefully walked past her and into the bathroom for a quick shower, after finishing I walked out in only a towel, rummaging through my drawers I picked out a mid-thigh black skater skirt, a themed sleeveless T-shirt, and my favourite denim jacket, once I was finished I walked over to the wall mirror and did my hair into two long dutch braids, once satisfied I grabbed my set of keys from the shelf nearby and walked out the door, into my car, driving off and leaving Max alone.

I had been driving for a while and had to change routes as to stray from Max's hunting route for today, I arrived at a run down warehouse and parked for a little while to eat some food I had packed, I was intently eating my delicious food, when outside my front car window a tall moose-like man pulled a gun on another man and pulled the trigger ending the other's life. I jumped out of the car after the man went back into the warehouse, I grabbed my weapons and strapped them in hidden places all over my body, then I did something incredulously stupid, I went to hunt the moose-man.


"Okay, we can talk about this, right?" Sam asked and I continued backing away from him,

"You need to get out of that girls body, she looks practically 15 at most." He huffed and gave me a threatening glare.

"Go to hell!" I yelled, "What makes you think I'm even harmful, Huh?" I yelled, my voice becoming hoarse from all the yelling done previously.

"You're possessing a teenager!" He yelled and all reasoning flew out the wind, along with my future life.

"No! I am not!" I said, "F*ck you, Winchester!" I argued and grabbed a concealed knife, desperately throwing it at him.

He easily dodged the knife and threw holy water across the room onto my skin, It began to burn me and the pain was almost unbearable, I was able to stand through the pain, until another burst of holy water struck me again, I crumpled to the floor feeling weak and helpless, Sam Winchester inched closer until I began throwing multiple projectiles from my spot on the floor at him, since I wasn't able to throw very far in this position, he stayed in a safe spot from my wrath.

The holy water began wearing off but just as I went to stand he began the exorcism,

"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica. Ergo, omnis legio diabolica, adiuramus te...cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque æternæ perditionìs venenum propinare...Vade, satana, inventor et magister omnis fallaciæ, hostis humanæ salutis...Humiliare sub potenti manu Dei; contremisce et effuge, invocato a nobis sancto et terribili nomine...quem inferi tremunt...Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, Domine. Ut Ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos.

I didn't expect it to, but the exorcism made my shake and I felt consumed with pain, by the end of the exorcism nothing had happened and Sam looked highly confused, he inched closer but I had regained enough strength, I pulled out a gun and fired a warning shot at him, then I ran out of the warehouse and into my hidden car, I jumped in and made it all the way back to the motel, I opened the door and put my keys back onto the shelf, my foot hit something and I noticed Max's keys on the ground, I picked them up and place them next to my own keys, I walked further into the room and her shoes had been placed oddly in the kitchen, I fixed them up and walked over to her exhausted form, I grabbed her blankets and place them over her, she wriggled a bit and opened her eyes.

"Hey?" She said in a croaky voice, while wiping the sleep out of her eyes,

"Max, something bad's happened." I said in a breathy tone, she got up rather quickly and looked at me seriously,

"What's wrong?" She said cautiously,

"The Winchester's are in town, Max, Sam Winchester knows the exorcism doesn't work on me." I said roughly and fast. She nodded her head and smiled,

"It's Okay, we'll leave town tomorrow." She said and I let out a sigh of relief, we both got up and began packing our belongings into duffel bags each, then it got dark out and I realised that we hadn't any groceries, so we decided to go down to the nearby Diner.

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