In A Heartbeat

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Before I start I wanna say that this is one chapter story. And this story is similar to In A Heartbeat. Search it in YouTube and you will see a short animation of it. This is how I get the ideas.

Corl is sitting below a cherry blossom tree looking for his crush. He have a huge crush on Denis. He's the basketball leader and most popular student in the school. Corl is just sitting there releasing a sigh. He heard a footsteps and turn around quickly. He sees his crush. Denis is reading while playing with his apple. Corl quickly hide right before Denis could see him. Corl climb the tree and peek a bit, looking at his crush. He blush and stare at Denis who is walking. He suddenly hit his head on a branch above him, making loud noise. He quickly hide again. Denis turn around and look over at the tree that Corl is hiding in. He shook it off and continue to walk. Corl's heart is beating fast. Suddenly a small pink heart pop out of Corl's chest and fly over to Denis. He tried to chat it but the heart flew too fast. When Denis is throwing apple up, the heart replace it with itself, making itself the replacement. Corl run over behind Denis and try to get the heart, but ended holding Denis's hand. Corl blushed and let go of his hand. The heart is trying to hug Denis. Corl catch the heart all around Denis, until he got the heart in his hands, but he ended up inches away from Denis. He hide in the bushes not thinking that Denis actually see him. Denis greet some students that walk pass. He have a last look at the bush that Corl is hiding in, then he walk away. Corl accidentally let go of the heart as he fall down. He look up and see the heart follow Denis into the school. The main school door close as Denis walk in. He run into the school. As he opens the door he sees Denis on the floor and the small heart is hugging Denis's face. Corl hold one of the heart hand but the heart refuse and hold Denis's finger. In that moment they look at each other. All students are whispering and looking at them. Corl decides to pull the heart harder. Then.. The heart broke into two, giving Corl half of it. The other half is on Denis's hands. Corl run out of the school and sit below a tree. He look at the heart then look to the sky, closing his eyes. He have lost the people he likes. Meanwhile Denis found Corl sitting below a tree. He walk toward him and crouch in front of Corl. He grab Carl's hand wanting to see the broken heart. Corl is shocked but he open his hand showing the half heart. Denis put the other half and make it alive again. The heart flew around and hug Corl. Denis scoot over and sit next to Corl. Corl blushed but then he made an eye contact with Denis and smiled at him.

Lastly! In a Heartbeat one shot! I'm back and I have 1 week of no school! My exam is pretty dang hard. I snuck in some empty papers and drew anime on them when I done. Sometimes I fall asleep, getting 3 dreams in minutes. I will be posting anime drawings soon and I post some on my instagram.

Insta: Alexander_Crafted14

Feel free to follow! I'm glad to be back! I'm alexander and this is Dorl In A Heartbeat. Bye!

⭐Alexander Walker ⭐

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