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Your words mean a lot to me
They are sharp as a needle
Piercing through my heart each time I come across them
Always make my heart bleed
All in the name of being together

You say it's a talent you exploiting
A talent being misused
Hurting one you claim to care for
Not considering their feelings anymore
You're too selfish!
But why?

was your display picture
My emotions it did torture
Gave myself hope,
"Maybe he's yet to realize that my love for him is true"
But your eyes are still blind
You only think of poetry

Your status concluded it all
I had no space in your heart
Do you claim that's poetry too?
Maybe I'm yet to know the meaning
Why poetry has married you
Why it's your Babe.

The pieces you wrote
Spending sleepless nights
Contemplating the heartbreak poems
I had no clue who owned the sweet ones
Maybe to a new catch you dedicated
But why?

Why do you write love poems?
Whom are you dedicating to?
Why don't you quit writing?
Why make me bleed?
Who is your Bae?



When a boy tells you I love you,
Looking deeply into your eyes,
Holding your hand so gently,
Wearing a shy coy smile...
But still wearing a firm face,
That's when in the depth of his words,
The heaviness of his heart weighs on you.

When a boy whispers into your ears,
You feeling his breath on your neck,
The peace in him calming your fears,
The strength in his voice weakening you,
You feel the butterflies within fly,
Your heart fluttering,
Your toes all curling up...
Its when the sound of *love* hits you.

When a man loves you,
All the songs playing remind you of him,
His voice clearly heard in the laughter's of kids,
His essence felt in the blowing wind,
The rumbling thunder resounds his thunderous laugh,
And his warmth...
His warmth felt so intense in his absence,
And in his presence...
You know that he who loves you,
You too love him.

In the depth of my oceans,
In the vastness of my deserted desert,
In the calmness of my lonely nights,
In the drenching cold rain,
In the frozen winters in my life,
In the peace in my solitude,
I choose to see you...

I choose you...
To see the birds chirping around you,
To see the bright halo up above you,
To dwell in the shadow of your form,
To believe in the old tales of fairies,
For in you I see my knight,
My knight in shining armor!

When a boy tells you I love you,
Take him by his hands,
Arms draped on his shoulders,
In your bright twinkly eyes,
And a warm smile of joy,
And just tell it...
Tell him what you know is right,
Tell him...


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