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        I am running. The trees around me have sharp branches that reach out and try to grab my arms. I struggle with all my strength to fight them and I try to hop over the roots that try to grab my ankles. I see a clearing and it takes every ounce of strength I have to reach it. Once I make it, I'm covered in mud, sweat and blood. I continue to run because something is chasing me. I can hear it's growling and occasional roar. It is not an animal from earth, the sounds are too bizarre and fierce. I reach the edge of a cliff and I stop. There's no way for me to get across it unless I use my telekinesis. 

        I'm about to go flying when I hear a blood-curdling scream. I turn back and I regret it immediately. There's some greyish creature that kind of looks like the cross between a rhino and a bull. Its forelegs are stubby but his four back legs packed with muscle. He's an ugly greenish-grey colour and rows of sharp teeth that protrude from his mouth. His head is tiny with yellow eyes that bulge out and two discs that seem to beat... like its heart was in them. It stands over what looks like a limp and bloodied body. I can't see who it is but I must save them.

        I know that this creature is Mogadorian. It smells of death, just like the filth that created it. This creature gets down on its back legs and I know it will pounce. I have the Loric dagger in my hand and become the cold steel that I wield. If this thing wants to fight and try to eat me, I'm going to go down fighting and be terrible to swallow. 

        The creature charges at me at top speed but I stand my ground. Its feet pound the ground creating an earthquake that would shake anyone off their feet but I stay in my place. I cling to the ground and duck. The creature goes flying over me. I jab upwards at the ugly skin grazes my hair. I hear the creature roared in pain and it topples to the side. I stand up and I see the large gash I've made in the creature's stomach. There is blood dribbling from the wound each time the creature breathes. It seems unaware of its wound and comes back for a second attack and I jump into the air. The Mogadorian monster tries to grab me in its jaws and a few teeth do graze my skin but I feel no pain. I am now on the back of this thing and I take the chance to do more damage. I stab it in the back of the head. The thing turns its head up and roars in pain. It tries to throw me off but I cling to the sword that is still engrained in its flesh. The monster thrashes around, trying to get rid of its passenger but it's not at all effective. Eventually, the thing gives up and rolls on its side. I take the dagger from its back and I slide down its thick skin. I walk over to the eye. Its ghoulish eye stares at me and I think I can see...tears, slimy yellow tears. At that moment I feel bad. This creature was only bred for destruction and war. If it fails, the Mogs can always make more. I think this monster realizes what true pain is and seems to beg to me. I take the dagger and like Annie did before for me, I end its suffering.

        The thing bursts into ash and I now can run to the body that the creature had in its jaws. I'm afraid to look that I stare. I know who it is. Blake.

"NO!!!" I scream through my tears. I grab onto his lifeless body and bury my face in his bloodied shirt. I scream again and I can feel the evil presence back again. My tears burn my eyes and I push myself from the corpse. 

        I'm facing the coward that he is. He stands at his usual distance, watching the action and laughing at my misery. 

"'re nothing but a god damned coward!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. My pendant glows brightly to match my rage. I can hardly get the words out I'm so mad but I hold out the dagger.

"My people will end your people" I scream. "I...I'm not scared of YOU ANYMORE!!! You're nothing but a coward. hiding behind your stupid soldiers and creatures. Why don't you fight me...US"

        I look beside me and the Garde are standing with me. All our pendants glow with superior power and I can feel that we can win. 

"You can visit us all you want in our dreams but you'll have to face all of us in order to win Earth. Someone grabs my hand and Blake is standing with me. My cheeks burn with pride and anger.

The figure laughs a hearty laugh that makes my skin crawl and my rage increase.

"You foolish child... You stand no chance of winning... I will face you...all of you. We've taken three lives already and we can always take more! You and your species will fall just like your planet did and...why!! Because these Garde are not who you think they are. Three are dead, a fourth is soon to come and one of your own will betray you... We've captured one before and now we've caught another. One Garde is grossly unprepared and the two that have met make the others fair game!!" He laughs again and I'm alone once more. I grip the dagger and fly forward. In his distraction, I manage to dig the blade into his pulsing purple scar. He screams...loudly and throws me off. I go flying over the ledge towards a dark grave but I know what I've done and I am proud. When I find the other Garde, this ruler won't stand a chance.

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