Chapter 8

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'Miss! Miss, you have to wake up or you will be late for school.'

I threw the covers off of me groaning in the process. It was becoming really irritating with every passing day. Yup, the nightmare of every teenager. School.

It was not that I didn't like school, I actually enjoyed learning new things, but Math was not in that area though. The problem was the teachers AND my non-existent social life. My teachers were straight up bitches that had nothing else better to do than make our lives even more complicated. I mean for real, I'd been in a coma for a month and they couldn't get it through their thick skulls that I couldn't learn a month worth of shit in just two damn days.

You see, I'd been in a car accident around a month and a week prior. My wounds weren't that sever but the doctor said that my head was hit pretty hard so I ended up in a coma. I woke up a exactly a month later on a Friday and had been released the same day. And guess what. My dear parents that were never home decided to send me to school the next Monday.

With maximum dread, I crawled to the bathroom and did my stuff. At least it was the end of the week, but even then I couldn't tell you the exact date. Everything was a routine for me. I didn't even think of my next move. It all seemed as if I was controlled by strings. I didn't even care with what I dressed. I simply grabbed a blue hoodie and a pair of jeans and vans. Only later did I realize I was dressed in a Jack Frost hoodie and black jeans and shoes. What can I say? I was a major fan girl.

Before I exited my room, I took a quick look in the mirror. I was nothing special really. Just lavender grey hair, that I died from blonde a couple of days after I was released from the hospital, oval face with semi-plump lips, deep sapphire blue eyes, a big nose and bushy brows, that I was in a constant war with. I had some pimples like all teens do, but they weren't as bad as they used to, after all I used to have acne. My eyes trailed from my right stretched year with a deathly hallows plug to my Medusa piercing and then stopped at my necklace. That necklace was my favourite thing in the world. I always wore it. It was a silver 2D wolf that was howling at the moon with a moon-stone background. It was the only thing I got from my parents. Not that they gave it to me in person, no, they made my baby-sitter give it to me when I was old enough to understand what it was. And I wore it ever since, only taking it off when I showered, sometimes – when I was too tired – not even then.

Sighing, I grabbed my backpack from the desk chair and got out of my room, my quest to procure morning food beginning. The smell of fried eggs and bacon hit me in the face the second I reached the bottom of the stairs. I couldn't say it didn't stimulate me to get to the kitchen faster.

'Good morning, Miss Green.' I was greeted with the smiling face of Othil.

'Good morning, Othil.' I exclaimed smiling as big as her.

I was living in a big house, that was more like a mansion than a house, since my parents were wealthy. I was also a trust fund baby. It was true that I could get whatever I wanted, but the downside was that my parents were never home. And when I said never, I meant never. Not on weekends, holidays not even on my birthday. That was why they hired Othil. She was my baby-sitter that actually raised me ever since I could remember. When I was young I used to consider her my mama and I still do 'till this day.

I didn't know why my parents wanted a child when they weren't even present in its life. I mean, they didn't even called when I got in the car crash. I had no idea what their job was, but was clearly more important than anything. It was kind of sad to not know anything about the ones who gave birth to you. Every time anyone asked me about them, I never knew what to answer. And the cherry on top was to see their pity faces because they thought I was not loved. But, the thing was, I was loved. Othil had been by my side ever since I was born. And she was always there for me when I needed her. Just as a mother should be. And I knew she loved me as if I was her own child.

Do I look like a dream to you (Sequel to 'I must be dreaming')Where stories live. Discover now