Chapter 17

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The scene unfolding in front of our eyes seemed so surreal. To wake up in a completely different world only to have someone telling you the girl housing you is something of a supernatural nature. Nobody believed the strange woman. Not even Avalon herself. Yet everything changed once the ring was on her finger.

'What the fuck did you do to her?!' Kisame was the first to react. Avalon's body was limp on the chair while emerald smoke surrounded her. He was, again, the first one to jump from his seat and take a defensive stance while the rest of us tried to do the same, but with no success. We were stuck to our chairs.

'What the heck! I can't get the fuck up!' Hidan screamed. 'What the fuck did you to us, bitch?!'

'I had done nothing but keep you in your place.' she smiled innocently. 'As for Avalon, she is just in the sleep like state where dreams are replaced by her own memories.' she then turned to look at Hidan. 'And if I were you, I would be careful what gets out of my mouth. We would not want that nasty tongue of yours to get my floor dirty now, would we?' her voice suddenly turned sweetly malicious.

'Why you...'

'And why would we believe you?' Hidan was cut off by Itachi just in time. No one would have enjoyed assisting to that scene she was talking about.

I knew everyone was at least a bit scared of that woman, yet, after I got over my initial shock, I realized I wasn't. All I wanted was for things to cool down so I could be able to ask her some more questions.

'If I wanted you dead, I could have done it the minute you entered my house.' and with a swift move of her hand, silver knife appeared in front of Itachi's neck.

'With just a though I could cut your head off. And you can do nothing to stop me, for your abilities have no effect on me.' she moved her hand again just as Itachi's eyes turned to their signature red. I could tell everyone was expecting her to press the knife, but I knew better.

The knife disappeared and along with it the invisible hands that were holding us down.

'I do trust that you will not attack me now.' her eyes shifted to Pein only to see him nod slowly, probably still a little unsure.

'Now... I do believe you have some questions. Do ask.'

Silence fell around the room and, as strange as it may sound, I didn't feel like asking anything any more.

'How exactly did we get here?' Danna was the first to voice his thoughts.

'Well... if I tell, do not get angry on the person who did it, for he did not know it would happen.' everyone nodded yet again unsure and she smiled. She poured herself another cup of tea, took a sip, and began talking. 'Remember I said about two pendants, one for Avalon and one for her soul mate?' she didn't wait for a response. 'Well, upon touching the said pendant, it activated a spell that transported everyone from the same room to the same world as Avalon. And by now, I do hope you noticed of which pendant I am talking.' and suddenly I was the center of attention.

'You said you found that thing right, Deidara?' Kakuzu asked.

'Of course I said that, un.' I replied grumpily. 'You would have thought I have gone mad if I said a black cat came and gave it to me, yeah.'

'Unfortunately...' Cresentia murmured. 'It should have been her the one to give it to you, but since she was unable to, she sent Almika to deliver it for her...' she was starring intently at the cup.

'So the woman from the inn...'

'Was your sister.' Danna finished for me. I barely saw her nod her head.

Do I look like a dream to you (Sequel to 'I must be dreaming')Where stories live. Discover now