"I Want A Love Sensation."

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"I'm sorry, what?"

Shayla smiled even though her client couldn't see her over the phone. "No, I'm sorry. I got a little carried away with my explanation, didn't I?" She began doodling in a notebook, drawing what she picture her client looked like. It wasn't hard to draw the star of Trish Talk.

"Only a bit," the woman responded, a laugh in her voice. "Thank you so much for taking this on, Ms. Welch. I know you're one of the best Web designers out there, and you've got a ton of people wanting your artwork, but my friend - "

"Hey, I get it. You wanted your friend to have the best, even if they didn't know they needed it." Personally, Shay couldn't relate, but was super supportive of those relationships. There were too few in the world.

Ugh, enough of that. Don't get emotional during a professional call.

Shay cleared her throat, blinking quickly a few times. "Anyway, get back to me later today on whether you want me to do my thing for the site or if you've got any special ideas, and I'll get right on it."

"Gotcha. Bye."



"Okay, I'll give you full artistic liberty, but I've got only one request," Trish said over the phone.

Shay gave up trying to keep the phone securely pressed between her shoulder and ear as she ate her Chinese takeout. She put it on speakerphone and set it on her coffee table, turning the volume down on her TV so she could hear properly. "Hit me."

"No purple. It's not... Just don't put any purple anywhere on the site. Like, not even the darkest shade of purple you can find, or the lightest. In fact, don't even put pink on there."

Shay nodded though she couldn't be seen. On screen, Issa Rae was rapping into a bathroom mirror, and Shay was eager to hear what was being said. She switched on the captions and hit rewind. "Cool. No purple, no pink. Gotcha, gotcha... Anything else?"

"Nope. I trust you. I've seen the designs you've made before, and I know you've got good ideas, so I won't stifle your creativity, or anything. Thanks again for doing this for Jess. I really appreciate it."

Shay nodded, only half listening. Her mind was focused on how to make her skin glow as much as Issa's. She cracked her knuckles, thinking off how expensive the face creams would be. "No problem. You paid for my service. I'll make sure to deliver."

Trish laughed, thanking Shay again before ending the call. Shay continued to watch Insecure, jealous of everyone's amazing skin and trendy clothing.

Why did God curse me with my dad's oily skin and my mother's casual fashion sense?


Five cups of coffee and several obsessive checks for bugs in the span of a week, Shay found herself with a fat paycheck and a thank you text from Trish.

The site looked much better now, like less of some fifth grader's Web page and more like a that of professional business. It had a black and navy blue theme, with a silver accent sprinkled in here and there. The text, although in a casual script style, was easily readable and wouldn't make viewers squint. Navigation around the sight was simple and straightforward, yet had enough pizzazz to look modernized.

After having to put up contact info, credentials, a FAQ page and more, Shay felt she knew more about Jessica Jones and her super cute partner in fighting crime, Malcolm Ducasse.

She was officially their biggest fan and made a mental note to keep an eye out for any mentions of them in the paper. Was this how people in Hell's Kitchen felt about their Devil guy? She knew Harlem felt supportive of Luke Cage like this because she used to live there before some jackass went around posing as the bulletproof man.

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