Chapter 1

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Diserae at the top^^
Diserae POV:

Okay, as you guessed my name is Diserae, Diserae Marshall. I lived with my grandmother in the ghetto/lousy part of New Jersey.

Are you wondering why I'm with my grandmother when I have parents? Well I'm wondering that too. My first question is: Why do I live with her?

Nobody ever tells me anything so I really don't have an answer to that question. Anyways back to what's going on in my life.

   "Girl, you better get downstairs, acting like you don't have school" My grandmother hollered from downstairs. I sighed , another day of boredom in the pit of hell.

  All though I was a quiet girl, I did have a decent amount of friends in my circle. 2 girls , 2 boys type of group. They all made me feel comfortable and happy so that's a good thing right?

   I got dressed in a red crop top hoodie, and blue jeans with my red 12's . I flat ironed my hair and since I ALWAYS wear makeup I had to beat my face, you know? I put on bronzer, concealer, highlighter etc. You get the concept of what I'm saying.

I ran downstairs hurrying to make breakfast, there was no way I was eating at school. Besides they rarely serve food, I was always hungry. I made some eggs and bacon, remembering I just had brushed my teeth and that I would have to rinse my mouth out so I drunk water instead.

I rushed out the door, preparing to walk to school. "So you gon leave out not saying bye or giving me hug? Damn I feel so special" My grandmother yelled standing in the door way. I chuckled running back to give her a hug.

Soon as I got to school the first thing I did was go up to my locker, taking out my books for my first class. Walking away, I ran into one of my best friends Chanel. "Hey boo, I got you some snacks" She said , with clear excitement in her voice. I shook my head saying thanks before we walked to class.

I wondered where my other friends were, well I don't know but I'll probably see them at lunch anyways. As class began, I heard my teacher clearing his voice. I knew it must've been important. "Class, we have a new student" He exclaimed. I turned my head to see a light skinned boy standing next to him.

He seemed to be 6'4 and around 16, mind you I'm only 15. He looked really good. "His name is Aiden Flores. He'll be spending the rest of the school year with us" Mr.Brewer finished talking snapping me out of my thoughts. Is it me or does his name sound like sewer? Ha, he looks like he crawled out of one.

Of course, Aiden sat next to me. It's like every romantic book I've ever read, the boy always seem to sit next to the girl. "Umm do you know what we're doing?" He asked me , Why? Why did have to speak? I'm actually pretty glad he did though. "Uhh we have to independent read , answer questions and then discuss our answers in pairs" I whispered.

"Thanks. Want to work with me?" He asked, smirking. Well I had no one else to work with so I just nodded.

Class was over, I attended a few more classes, Aiden wasn't in any of them sadly. Soon it was lunch time and I walked over to my regular table and met up with my friends. I took a glance at Aiden and already he was with the other jocks and cheerleaders. Wow, he must've been very well liked in his other classes.

"Um Rae, Earth to Raee" Nadia said waving her fingers in my face. "Huh? Sorry I zoned out" I responded looking over to her. Tyrel and Charles just laughed, soon starting chatting amongst each other. "We were wondering if you could come over to Chanel's house for a girls night" Nadia told me rather than asking me , I looked over towards Chanel with her pleading eyes. "Uhh yeah sure" I said not really sure if I was gonna actually go. They cheered and we began going to our other classes before school was over.

     My friends waved goodbye as they went their separate ways home except Tyrel, he stayed back with me. "Why didn't you go with Charles?" I asked looking up at him. "I wanted to take you home" He said, scratching the back of his neck. I didn't understand why he was so shy around me all of sudden, I mean we're friends, why is he nervous?

   "Okay sure, your walking?" I asked him looking down at my feet. "Oh no, I have a car now, I can drive you home if you'd like" He replied smiling , still nervous. I smirked and nodded. He opened the door for me and we began to pull off.

    I turned his radio to one of my favorite songs by One Direction "Better Than Words" I started singing and bumping to it. My favorite part is Niall's. "What the fuck is this?"He asked with some stank ol' look. "Don't disrespect 1D I'll smack the shit out of you" I yelled. He chuckled and shook his head. "You need to listen to real nigga music" He said, switching the station to 21 Savage- Bank Account.

   His music is trashy if you ask me, his voice is so dull and boring.  I didn't bother changing the station, I mean I was only around the corner from my home.

   "See ya" I hollered getting out the car , he waved as I got into the house. Attempting to run up the stairs and pack my bags for Chanel's house. Keyword: Attempting. So why as soon as I manage to get up the stairs, my grandmother decides to call me downstairs? Bruhh.

      "I have to talk to you" She says in a calm tone patting a seat next to her on the couch. I knew something was up because she rarely ever talks calm. "Yes'm?" I asked. "Your mother..she wants you to come see her" She says looking down at her hands. That right there caused me to snap out of anger.

   "No I don't want to see her, not after what you told me" I yelled, tears forcing their way out.

     When I was only 5 years old my mom gave me to my grandmother to live with her. I didn't know exactly why, my mom told me I was just visiting. At age of 10, I was told that my mother and my siblings moved elsewhere without me. I knew something was wrong, who visits their grandma for 5 years straight?

   Crazy thing is I have 5 siblings, all of them gone, me, I'm here. Never seen their face ever again. Now it's been almost 11 years, she finally wants to see me. It's not happening, I want nothing of it.

   "Well baby, I'm sorry but you have to" She responds beginning to sob. "Why are you crying? Why do I have to go?" I questioned her looking in her eyes, I sensed a flash of guilt overcoming in her eyes. Was there something she wasn't telling me?

   "Umm..umm. I have somewhere to be next week, you can't be here alone" She says speaking a little lower this time. She was obviously lying, I wonder what it was about. I stormed up to my room, making sure I slammed the door.

Why would my mother want to see me after all these years?
Hey guys. I really hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Don't think it's going to fast, trust me it's not at all. If you any suggestions feel free to pm me and let me know.
It's a picture of Diserae at the top because I'm having trouble adding a cast so from now I will be posting pictures of the characters at the top. If you like it please vote it and any ideas or anything to say let me know in the comment section below. I apologize for my use of cursing even though this book is mainly for mature people. Also I didn't mean to cause any offense to anyone who is a fan of 21 Savage. My apologies, I personally am not a fan of him but I am still sorry.
More to come
~Niayah 🖤

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