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Name: Ryoku Kazehime
Age: 19 (but he looks 15)
Gender: male (femboy)
Appearance: Night: White and Purple ninja outfit with his clan symbol on the back, knee length crimson hair in a high ponytail. Day: rich red and black kimono, hair tied in a plait.
Love interest: Soji
Family: Ryoku Riku and Keira {mother and father, deceased}
Ryoku Hannah{sister, unknown}
Ryoku Sora {twin brother, alive}
Occupation: Day: Southern ward florist
Night: Vigilante, assassin and ninja
Weapon: Twin Katanas
Powers: he can control people for a limited time but it's energy draining and can be fatal
Personality: cold, quiet, thoughtful and sweet (but he's only sweet during the day as a florist, to girls and children)
Bio: him and his twin were born into a clan of skilled assassin/ninja, the Ryoku. Their mother died when him and his brother were born and their father left them with their older sister Hannah. When him and Sora were six their sister was reported missing, supposedly dead and after that Kazehime and Sora grew cold and distant to everyone except each other. They were taken in by a ronin when they were 7 and he taught them how to use weapons and fight. At the age of 14, the un-separable brothers had made a name for themselves, The Crimson Twins. They became blood thirsty and completely detached from their emotions (except their love, caring and protectiveness for each other). Now they live in the northern ward and work as the magistrate's personal assassins and aren't afraid to strike anyone down.
Extras: - he is Dutch-Japanese
- his softer side shows around children
- he's very protective over girls after what happened to his sister
- he's met Kinshiro before, but not under good circumstances



* Pearl Blake


* 19


* Female (Pretends to be a boy)


* Blake has short red hair in the back with it slightly longer in the front

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* Blake has short red hair in the back with it slightly longer in the front. She has green eyes. She normally wears a white button up collared shirt and some frill around her collar and sleeves, tucked into black pants that are also tucked into boots.

Love Interest:

* Kinshiro ~ They have not met.


* Unknown, She doesn't remember.


* Unknown, doesn't remember. Most likely merchant.


* Unknown, but she seems to know how to use a gun.


* Pearl is very silent. She never talks, and she often stares at people. She is mostly seen by herself, and she doesn't ever try to talk to any one.


* Pearl has amnesia. All she remembers is that she was ship wrecked and ended up in Japan.


* Pearl is from England.

* Pearl does not understand Japanese.

* Pearl hides her gender as she woke up dressed like a guy

* Learn more later



* Rose


* 18


* Female


* Rose has short blonde hair and blue eyes. She has pale skin. She's missing her left arm, as well as her right eye. Her body is scarred all over. She wears a yellow or blue kimono most of the time and goes shoe less.

Love Interest:

* Makoto (Engaged/Arranged Marriage) Rose does have feelings for Makoto, but she doesn't know if he shares her feelings.


* Hiro(Adoptive Father)

* Kira(Adoptive Brother)

* Indigo(Adoptive Sister)

* Willem(Blood Related Brother)


* Ninja for her village/ Snake Whisper/ Bookstore Owner


* Throwing Knives/Her Snake


* Rose is a quiet girl. She's more of a leader than a follower though. She's strong willed and she likes to fight. She's calm most of the time, and it's not good to get her mad.


* Rose was raised in Holland, Netherlands. She was taken with Willem after their house was burnt down. On a mission in Japan, she ran away after she lost used of her arm, and her eye was cut out. In the woods, she cut her arm off. A village chief found her and look her in when she was nine. When she was twelve, she met Makoto, who was 18 at the time. They would marry when Rose turned 18. Rose visited Makoto a few times a year. She fell for him when she was sixteen, but her sister, Indigo, has always been a favorite of her father and to the village. To keep her company, she helped hatch a poisonous snake that she named Vemon, and that she can speak to. Vemon hatched when she just turned seventeen. She just got to Nagasaki to marry Makoto, but she ran into her brother, Willem. She is now trying to hide from him as Makoto and Rose get their wedding ready.


* Rose is still a powerful ninja of her village. She enjoys fighting.

* Rose can fight with a sword with her one arm, but she prefers smaller weapons like throwing knives.

* The reason why her left arm and her right eye were taken out was to off her balance.

* Learn More Later.

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