Moving In

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You had just landed L.A. You got off the plane and got in a taxi, when you got to your apartment you grabbed your keys and open the door. You set down your stuff and plopped on the couch.

Your P.O.V
I sighed "finally I'm here!" I said happily. I heard my phone go off and grabbed it. My best friend (B/F/F/N) texted me. I told her I landed and that I would go see her later today, I put down my phone and got up and started unpacking everything. I sighed in relief once everything was unpacked and I was settled in, I heard a voice from the neighbors next door "TOP O' THE MORNIN' TO YA LADDIES!" I heard, I gasped loudly and literally fangirled. I smiled widely and started thinking. 'OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! I'M LIVING LITERALLY RIGHT NEXT TO JACKSEPTICEYE!!!' I thought, I debated on whether I should or not go over and introduce myself but I was to scared and anxious. Soon it became night and I started to get yawn, I turned off Netflix and turned off the lights, I fell asleep soon after. I kinda forgot about the hang out I had planned with my friend, but I still fell asleep.

 I kinda forgot about the hang out I had planned with my friend, but I still fell asleep

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