10 | Loving Parents

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•Y/N: Your Name

Havik's POV:

—————————————————Havik's POV:_________________________________

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"Where the fuck is she!?" I scream out in frustration, causing a few heads to turn in the park, where I have been waiting hours for Y/N to show up. I breathe heavily, struggling to contain my rage. It was slipping out like steam from an engine.

'She promised me. She promised she'd always come searching with me, and now, she's just pissing me off! Over what? That kiss?! That sign of my affection, my confession to her? It's not like it was bad!' I mean, I enjoyed it. I enjoyed it so much, she just had to have liked it too. So what if I had moved a bit fast? She would've had to get over it by now, and anyways, that is no excuse for leaving me standing out here like a dumbass!

I begin to pace like some deranged psychopath, fists clenched so hard inside the pockets of my brown jacket, they're shaking. I have every right to be upset. This was not an overreaction. I finally found someone I like, and she just fucking leaves me out here in the cold by myself, no word, no warning, nothing. I just wanted to tell her everything, explain it all and take her back to my place. I wanted to tell her about how she makes me feel lighter than air whenever I'm near her, how her kindness makes no sense to me but that I'm thankful for it, nonetheless, and how every little thing she does drives me crazy. I can't stop thinking about her!

With an infuriated shout, I kick a stick that was laying on the ground near my feet, sending it flying across the street, out of anger. Panting, I watch as it snapped upon hitting the concrete and let out a shaky breath, a frown on my lips. They trembled a bit as I covered my eyes with a hand, my brows scrunched tight. Fuck, I might cry.

'Suck it up, damnit; you're in public!' I scold myself, sniffling and putting my hand down once I was calm enough. I lowered my head with slumped shoulders, feeling dejected.

'She's not coming, is she?' Sniffling again, I start home. I wasn't sure my heart could sink any lower or if my legs could move any slower without stopping. It was like I was expecting her to show up late and call after me, but that didn't happen. She didn't come. My fists clenched inside my pockets again as the anger seeped back in.

'You can't avoid me forever, Y/N. Eventually, you will have to face me, and when that happens, you better have a good excuse, or you're really going to get it.' I felt so conflicted inside. One part of me wanted to punch the living daylights out of her for ignoring me, another was so depressed, I wanted collapse. Then, there is the part of me in love, so madly in love that it made excuses for her, filled my head with delusions and spun me all the way around. The only thing clear to me was that I wanted her beside me right now, but that wasn't an option, now was it? I thought nothing would settle the storm within me, that was until I had finally made it home, when I saw that car parked in the driveway. My whole body relaxed in an instant, the tightness in my brow fading as my eyes opened wide.

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