004. It's Cute, You're Cute

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Tony then opened the door and left as Peter went over and locked it silently

Carmen patted the bed, motioning for him to sit with her and he did so

"What happened?" Carmen asked him as he sighed

"It's a really long story, but whatever happened, happened and it's like my senses have been dialed to 11" Peter tried to explain as she listened carefully

"You're in dire need of an upgrade, but I have to admit this little setup you've got going, it's cute" Carmen told him as he looked at her

"You're cute" He said and blushed

"I know, but there's a reason you're doing this, what gets you out of this thrift shop bed every morning?" Carmen asked him seriously

Peter stuttered around for a minute, not knowing how to explain everything, but froze once he felt Carmen's hand on the side of his face

She turned his head towards hers and nodded at him, signaling for him to continue

"Because I've been me my whole life, and I've had these powers for six months. I read books, I build computers, and yeah I would love to play football but I couldn't then so I shouldn't now"

"Because you're different" Carmen finished as he nodded

"Exactly, but I can't tell anybody that, so I'm not" Peter told her and looked down for a minute

"When you can do the things I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you" Peter told her as she nodded, understanding completely

"I was born into this life, my dad's identity was revealed when I was a couple years old so once everyone found out that Iron Man had a child, the tabloids went crazy" Carmen opened up as Peter listened

"I was first mobbed by paparazzi when I was 7. I was walking to school and I had a panic attack, not because of all the people but because the one question they kept asking me"

"Who is your mom? My dad doesn't even know, I was dropped off at the doorstep, he checked my DNA and it matched his perfectly" Carmen finished as Peter didn't take his eyes off of her

"My heart is almost as big as my ego so I understand where you're coming from" Carmen told him as he nodded smiling slightly

"So you wanna look out for the little guy, you wanna do your part? Make the world a better place and all that, yeah?" Carmen asked him

"Yeah, j-just looking out for the little guy. That's all it is..." Peter told her as she nodded and smirked

"So, you got a passport?" She asked him as he shook his head

"No, I don't even have a drivers license" He told her as she nodded

"You ever been to Germany?" She asked, cutting him off slightly


"Oh, you'll love it"

"I can't go to Germany" He told her as she gave him a confused look

"Why not?" She asked

"I-I've got homework" He said looking down as she rolled her eyes

"Ignoring that" She said and stood up, straightening her outfit

"I'm being serious, I can't just drop out of school" He exclaimed while she still ignored him

"Might be a little dangerous, better tell Ms. May we're taking you on a field trip-" Carmen started and placed her hand on the knob to open it but her hand was quickly webbed to it

She turned to see Peter literally inches away from her face

"Don't tell Aunt May" He begged as she took a breath

"Alright, Spider-boy" She muttered, not breaking eye contact

"Get me outta this" She told him as he stumbled back and nodded

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