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A/N:First I would like to thank Dont_Foget_About_Me for helping me with this chapters title

Tom's Pov

I woke up to find someone cuddling me I looked down to see who was the person and I was a bit shocked to find it was....Tord. I was trying not to freak out cause I secretly have a crush on him but no one knows about that not even Edd knows. Tord started to tighten his grip on me, if I had to guess he's probably having a nightmare I wrap my arms around his waist and hold him close to me he started to slowly calm down. I started to fall asleep again so I closed my 'eyes' and fell asleep again.

Tord's Pov

I started to wake up from that horrible nightmare and I woke up to see Tom holding me close to him I felt my cheeks heat up and I looked up to see Tom peacefully sleeping he looked cute.....WAIT WHAT?!?! HE DOESN'T LOOK CUTE HIS MY WORST ENEMY U CAN'T HAVE FEELINGS FOR HIM!!... or can I? I'm not sure how I feel about Tom I mean I thought I hated him but I guess I didn't I guess I..... love him..... I burries my face into Tom's chest and waited for Tom to wake up.

*Time skip*

I decided to get up so I tried to loosen up from Tom's grip but his grip only tighten and he hold me even closer to him. I was a blushing mess by the time and I couldn't think of what to do I didn't want to wake him up.

326 words

A/N: Welp that's it for this chapter the next chapter might either have smut or fluff I don't know yet but if you have any ideas for the next chapter just comment them and I'll use y'alls ideas for my next chapter, welp thanks for y'alls time

Author Kira--OUT!~♡

tomtord/smut/fluff/ OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now