In the Beginning

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It was a rainy day that started my whole life adventure. I remember it like it was yesterday in fact, perhaps because it felt like years since I last saw the children I considered my own. Ah the memories we shared, the fights we had, and the joy we created.

But I am getting nostalgic. Allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Penelope Trinity Drake, and I feel like there's nothing special about me. I was just a young woman trying to make a living in this crazy society we call Earth. I am an average sized woman, not too big, not too little. My hair was orange, slightly lighter than the darkest orange. I always kept my hair in the most unusual hairstyles, from ponytails to short bobs. My attitude was positive in the darkest of hours. People have called me sweet and kind due to my very compassionate nature. I loved children and they loved me back. I could take the naughtiest child and turn him into the most responsible boy. Little girls would come over to my house to bake and chat.

But I wasn't perfect, not at all. My house, which is considered a save haven for all, is on its final days. The city wants to evict my home and send me away. I only have so much money, my job doesn't pay that much. If I can't get enough money by the end of the month, I'm doomed.

As soon as I thought I was done for, my luck finally changed for the better. And it all started on that rainy afternoon...

Transformers Universe...

The sounds of swords clanging and guns ablazing was heard throughout the entire battlefield. The Autobots and Decepticons were fighting over a secret relic that had been hidden in the Earth for a long time. Megatron had lead his army to try and unearth the relic, but Prime and his bots had came to stop him. The relic, which was a small box with black markings, floated in front of them all.

"It's over Prime, the Decepticons will rule this world and Cybertron." Megatron bragged, his dark saber against Optimus' star saber. "And this relic is the final key to total domination."

"You are a fool Megatron to believe that we will let you win." Prime said, pushing him backwards.

Bumblebee, Bulkhead, and Smokescreen engaged Knockout, Breakdown, and Dreadwing respectively. The yellow scout beeped loudly as Knockout nearly stabbed him with his saw.

"Man, either the Decepticons have gotten tougher, or we are really losing!" Bulkhead said, lunging out of the way of Breakdown's hammer. "Could use a little help here!"

"Kinda busy with my own task at the minute!" Smokescreen yelled back, using his shield to block Dreadwing's sword. "What is this relic we're fighting for anyways?"

"Less talking, more fighting mechs!" Arcee called from the comm. She had to move fast as Starscream came down upon her. "Come on Scream, is that the best you've got?"

"I will mount your head on a wall Autobot!" Starscream screeched, charging towards her at a rapid pace. Arcee groaned as she dodged his flying fist, wanting nothing more than to silence his screechy voice.

Bumblebee finally got the upper hand on Knockout and succeeded to scratch his perfect finish. He beeped in victory before being knocked to the ground by the mad medic.

"YOU RUINED MY FINISH!" He yelled, hacking Bee with his saw. "You know how had it is to buff these scratches!"

"Calm down Knockout, we can buff those scratches out later!" Breakdown yelled to his partner. "Concentrate on the battle at hand!" No sooner had he said that did Bulkhead finally pound his face in, making him fall over.

Through all the fighting, no one noticed that the cube was glowing brightly. No one noticed that rays of light shined from the core. The cube opened itself as tendrils of light wrapped around the bots and cons. They all struggled within it's grasp as the cube sucked them into itself, blinding them with a powerful light. They felt their bodies compress and change form, their minds being completely wiped into innocence. They went through the portal of light, only to find themselves dumped into a strange new area.

Penny was walking down the road to her home, her orange hair frizzy from the rain. She had forgotten to grab an umbrella that morning, hoping to not be caught in the rain. Her teacher attire was wet and darken by the rains that fell from the heavens. She was cold, feeling the numbness of her fingers and toes.

"When I get home, I'm making a big cup of hot chocolate and baking cookies till my face drops." She muttered, wrapping her white coat around her. "I can make do with dinner tonight. I just hope no one comes over."

She made her way down the winding road that lead to her house at the end of the street. She passed the alleyway between the Harrison's and Carter's to hear sudden beeping noises. She stopped cold, turning around to the darken alley. A glowing light protruded from the corner of the alley. She walked in, curious at what was making that light.

What she saw made her gasp.

There was a large box, black with blue rims, full of tiny adorable baby robots! Some had blue eyes while the others had red eyes. One of them Penny couldn't see the face which was hidden by a large screen. There was a blue and red one with bravery in his eyes as he shielded a small yellow bot and red and white bot from her view. An orange and white bot glared up at her while the green one next to him gave her a curious look. Next to the green one was a small blue bot with pink highlights, making Penny believe that one was female.

On the other side of the box was the red eyed ones. The silver one also glared at her, but she only smiled at how cute he looked. The bot next to him with wings puffed his chest out, trying to intimidate her. The one with the screen cocked his head to the side, trying to see what she wold do. Penny smiled at the red bot who was looking quite fussy and beeping to the blue one with one eye. The last bot had a gold face who was giving her a unreadable expression.

They all looked up to see Penny looking down at them. She cooed softly as she reached out to grab the yellow one with the big blue eyes. Hugging him, she felt his body buzz as he settled deep into her arms, accepting the hug. Some of the other bots reached their arms up to be held too. She looked back at them and nodded her head.

"If you little guys don't have a home to stay at, you're welcome to stay with me." She said, placing the yellow one back into the box and hoisting the box up. "Boy! You guys are super heavy! I guess that's all the metal!"

The little ones looked over the edges of the box as she walked down the road to her house. For some strange reason, Penny wondered if the cuties could actually understand her for a second.

How am I going to take care of all these adorable robots? She thought, shifting her weight to hold the box. Just what have I gotten myself into?

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