The Final Showdown Pt. 2

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*It's been a pleasure writing this story for you and me. Now we are on the final chapters of the story, wrapping up this long arc. Thank you for reading the story for this long!


Albedo and Penny stared each other down, each one daring the other to make the first move. The air was tense with anticipation as the foes charged up with powerful energies each. The tense atmosphere was so thick that you could cut a knife through it.

Without a second thought, Albedo pinned Penny to the wall in a blinding speed. Slamming her against the wall, she could see the blood streaming down her head. Penny's eyes widen as her breathing was slowing down. In the other hand, a black sword was itching to press itself on her body.

"You don't know how long I've waited to do this!" Albedo laughed crazily as she held her high in the air. "All the time I've been here, all I hear is that you are supposed to be the key to restore my master's powers! Now that I have you in my clutches, I can finally shut you up!"

"L-L-Let me g-g-go!" Penny gasped, feeling her color draining away from her face. She clawed at her hands, trying to release herself from her hands.

"No, I think I'll just kill you swiftly and take my rightful place by my master's side once more." Taking her sword, she channeled the power of Dark Energon throughout it and went to stab her right in the heart. "And what a perfect place to start than at the heart!"

Penny closed her eyes to calm her nerves as she channeled the inner power she had used in the hall of mirrors. Albedo stopped what she was doing and gasped to see the human woman glowing. Penny placed her hands on Albedo's face and watched in horror as she started to steam. Albedo screamed as she released her, hands and face burning. The power of Primus flowed through her strong as she was able to incapacitate the demoness. Albedo gasped as she felt her power drained a bit.

"Why? Why does everyone love you so much? You are nothing but a woman who raised a bunch of robotic brats out of pity?" Albedo spat, her eyes red with rage. "You character isn't developed enough for people to care and you have no redeeming qualities about you! So why do people love you so much?"

Penny was silent, for what else could she say. Envy could turn the nicest person cruel and unforgiving. But this was a demon, a being of no love or sense of sincerity. How could she connect with something like that? This one was different from Tempest, that she could tell. She walked forward, knowing that if she didn't beat this one, her family would still be in danger.

"As far back as I could remember, I was always different from other children." Penny started to say, allowing her body to glow warm with the light of Primus. " Maybe it was my mother who took care of me after the disapperance of my father. I don't remember anything about him, but my mother told me he was a great man who valued and respected life. Call me crazy, but she says I act just like him; noble, courageous, and kind. I guess that some of his spirit rubbed off on my kids because they would do anything to protect the ones they love." Smiling, she held up her hand. "My name is Penelope Drake, and I am only trying to save the world, my family, and all the humans on it! I am not some powerful being or savior of the world. I'm just a woman who got wrapped up in all of this crazy stuff. So to answer your question Miss Albedo, people love me because I can relate to everyone!"

With a mighty blast from her hands, she shot the demon girl with a brilliant beam of light. Albedo screamed as she felt the light surround her body.

" No! What is happening?!" Albedo found herself scared of the outcome that was to befall her. Her body started cracking as she felt the darkness leave her body. "You can't do this! I am the herald of Unicron! I was going to rule by his side."

"Yeah, but you hurt me and my family! That is unforgivable!"

Albedo growled for one last time before she felt her very life essence stripping away from her. She yelled loudly as her body exploded from the sheer pure energy. Penny charged down, falling to the ground. All that power in such a young adult body was not to be used lightly. The sound of footstep came from behind her as she saw her family coming from behind her. The bots and cons tackled her fallen body, hugging her in various places and crying tears of joy. Meg and Izzy hugged her too, feeling happy to see their older sister.

"Mommy we missed you so much!" Bee cried, hugging tighter.

"We were so worried about you." Knockout cried.

"Soundwave: Happy to see you." Soundwave said, a smiley face appearing on his screen.

"I've missed you too guys." Penny kissed the heads of each and every kid. She looked at Meg with a surprised look on her face. "That can be reversed right?"

Meg shrugged. "I have no idea. I think it can. but I haven't tried yet!"

"No time for that! We meed to find a way out of this creepy place!" Izzy said, swinging the sword to rest on her shoulders. "Also, check out this cool sword I received from earlier! Think I can put it in my room?"

"We have more important things to worry about. How are we going to seal Unicron back inside the Earth?" Megatron said, his face serious now.

Optimus tapped his chin. "I have no idea how to do such a task. Back when I was older, I could've sealed him away much easier when the Star Saber was at full power. But now, without the Matrix of Leadership in my grasp, I have no way of sealing him."

"No, you have a way of sealing him." Everyone turned to face Penny who was giving them a determined look. "But you will not like the outcome."

"I don't like where this is going, not one bit." Ratchet worried.

"Penny, please tell me that you aren't considering sacrificing yourself to Unicron!" Dreadwing said.

"Then I won't tell you." Penny walked forward to the protest of her family. "Guys, I discovered something miraculous back in the hall of mirrors. I can use these power to bring order back into the universe."

"But that's absurd! You can't be able to control these powers! You could..." Arcee started to say before fading her voice.

"It's the only way, but just in case none of this works, let us make a quick plan."


Next chapter will be the final showdown for sure! Sorry for the short chapter! Hope you enjoyed it though.

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