*1K Follower Special*

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"Make your move Screamy or else I'm doing it for you."

"Shut up! I want to make sure this is the right card!"

"This is why we should've just played our gaming devices."

For the Drake household, family game night was a loved night for all. Where the snacks pile high, the drinks are fizzy, and voices get louder. It was a special time of week where Grandma Regina came over along with Auntie Gal and Meg. Even Izzy took a break from her jobs and bots to come over for the night.

Penny was currently inside the kitchen, melting some cheese for the nacho bowl. Helping her was Soundwave and Lazerbeak, both whom were stirring the pot of cheese with a rather large spoon. At the table, Arcee was helping Meg with frosting the cookies with smiley faces and gold dust. The oven was on with more cookies to decorate. The Vehicon trio were helping with placing some cups on trays and bringing the liter bottles of soda to the living room.

Gal was currently in the bathroom helping the bots with washing up to eat. She gave a shout when Wheeljack threw up some water in her face. Knockout scolded him as he was currently scrubbing himself and Breakdown. Ultra Magnus stood outside the door, waiting for his turn and maternal figure.

In the foyer, Izzy and Bumblebee waited for the pizza man, pressing their faces against the glass. Bulkhead was hanging around her legs too, smashing his face against the glass too. DreadWing opted for the stairs, shaking his helm as he watched them.

The living room held most of the game night fun. Regina was chilling on the big chair with Predaking on her lap in his dragon form. In her hands was a set of cards as she was embroiled in a game of Uno with Shockwave, Megatron, Ratchet, Starscream, Optimus, and Smokescreen. It was Starscream's turn and they were becoming impatient waiting for him to move. The table they were playing on was littered with popcorn, napkins, and small pieces of candy.

"Okay..." Starscream put down a red card. "There! Are you satisfied?"

"Remind me next time to just skip you..." Megatron grumbled, shuffling his cards as he glared at Optimus. "Make your move Prime and I shall defeat you and-!"

"Uno..." Optimus said, placing down a skip card.

This caused Megatron to be silenced as Smokescreen and Predaking laughed at his misery. Regina had to cover her mouth to mask her laughs as she patted his shoulder.

"To be honest, I expected Shockwave to be the one who would get Uno first." She mused, turning to her brainy grandson. "Optimus just was a bit more ambitious."

"I'm afraid we should brace ourselves for a major temper tantrum in 3, 2, 1..." Shockwave stepped away from the table as Megatron blasted the table enraged.

Optimus just sighed as Megatron rage blasted everything in the room. Predaking poised himself about defend Regina, Smokescreen ducked under the table, Ratchet remained unfazed, and Starscream ran out the room to get Penny.

Penny was carefully pouring the hot cheese into the bowl with Laserbeak on her shoulder before her plane baby busted down the door. This caused Penny to nearly drop the cheese on Soundwave, who caught the pot before it fell. Laserbeak flew over to Starscream, poking at his helm.

"Star! What on-? Is everything alright?" Penny asked worriedly, finishing her pour.

"Ow! Quit it, you vexing bird!" Starscream shooed Laserbeak away before clinging onto Penny. "Megatron is shooting up the living room because he's a sore loser! He almost hit the cube!"

"Wait...what! I just changed those curtains!" Penny gently took Starscream off her legs as she went into the living room. "MEGATRONUS!"

Meg whistled as she and Arcee munched on cookies while her triplets frosted the other ones. "Never a dull moment here. That's why I love coming over."

"I've got to get a new family member." Arcee groaned, dipping her cookies into milk. "Sometimes I can't believe I'm related to them."

"Oh come now Arcee, they may annoy you, but they still love ya!" Meg winked at her. "My sisters and I have had many moments of annoying each other. Do you want to hear about the time when Penny and I annoyed Gal with a funny looking-!"


The Vehicon triplets looked at their mother who merely just giggled at the memory. 

At the door, Izzy, Bee, and Bulkhead were counting the cars that were racing down the road in the rain. Bee was counting all the yellow ones, Bulk had the green ones, and Izzy did red. Dreadwing came down to sit by the window as he secretly counted the blue cars. 

"I don't see the appeal of counting cars. Half the cars we've been counting aren't even the colors we need." He pointed out as he tallied another blue car.

"Dread, we are trying to have some fun with the counting of cars before the pizza guy comes." Izzy stuck her tongue out at him. "Besides, this is just to carry us over and to avoid playing Uno with Megabutt and his sore loser tendencies. I am still scared of his gun."

"She is right to fear him. This is much more fun before we get pizza." Bulkhead said, taking the notebook as he tallied his color car. "Bee, what's the ETA on that pizza?"

Bee looked at the clock. "A few more minutes until the pizza is free! Maybe the rain is delaying the pizza guy." He pumped his servos. "Considering our order, hope we get it for free!"

"Eight pizzas is a lot of money to pay for! I hope we get it all for free!" Izzy hugged Bee as another car drove by. "I am winning now! Ha!"

"No fair! That last car wasn't fully red!" Bee giggled as they all laughed.

In the bathroom, Gal was on her last nerve when Wheeljack splashed more water on her face. Said bot was having fun with fixing the sink instead of washing his servos. Knockout was still scrubbing Breakdown so clean that he was sparkling!

"Jackie, we were only in here to clean ourselves us. How could you break the sink and fix it by making the water come out weird!" Gal facepalmed as her hair was soaking wet. 

"I thought adding a hose would make things easier and fun! Do you like it?" Wheeljack grinned, hoping that his mother would like it.

Gal could tolerate a lot of things as she was a hard-working woman in a high maintenance job with a lot of stressful feelings. However, she enjoyed her boys very much and didn't want to make him upset. 

"I don't have a problem with you fixing some things, but this is my sister's house. Perhaps we can fix the sink and put it back to normal." Gal coaxed, patting his helm. "Now, can you please put it back to normal?"

Wheeljack paused, and nodded. "Sure Mom, I'll put it back together."

Knockout looked at Gal's smiling face and laughed. "You managed to convince Wheeljack to fix one of his crazy changes. You really are very cool."

"Trust me Knockout, I know how to talk to different people. He is my son and I must make sure he knows I respect him, but want him to learn from his mistakes. I like how smart he can be." Gal crossed her arms and watched Jackie fix the sink. "Both my kids are very sweet."

Ultra Magnus, who was still sitting outside the bathroom door, just gave a soft smile and leaned against the wall. 

No matter what was going on in the household, you could feel the warmth and happiness leaking out from all the corners. Truly this family was closer than most and happy with their company.   

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