1 - Unexpected

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"Crap, come on Charles." I muttered to myself , while getting out of my old piece of crap mustang that was barely holding on by a thread. I knew I needed to take him into the shop and get fixed up, or better yet get a new car that wasn't holding on by duck tape, but this was just ridiculous.

"Just freakin fantastic, I'm stranded on the side of the damn road, after being stood up for a date I didn't even want to go on and yet got talked into, and on top of it all it's almost one, oh God I am so dead." I remarked while pacing back and forth in front of my car, praying that by some miracle Charles would start back up.

"Do you always make it a habit of talking to yourself ?" A voice from behind me spoke. I turned around to find a man about six foot, brooding and dressed in dark and in leather, with a ghost of a smile playing on his lips.

"Who the hell are you and how the hell did I not hear you or your car?" I exclaimed in shock.

"Well maybe you would have heard me if you weren't talking to your self." He replied with a smirk.

"Okay, look you obviously pulled over for some reason other than to taunt me about my personal ramblings, so either you want to help or kidnap me, take your pick, because this night couldn't possibly get any freakin worse." I said it in a clipped tone, hoping it was enough to send a message to mystery man that I didn't need any more crap especially tonight. I was already going to have my ass chewed when I got home, and now I'm going to have to call Stiles to pick me up in the morning. Now don't get me wrong I love Stiles to death, but early in the morning, he's just too much for the average person.

I was pulled out of my train of thought, when mystery man cleared his throat and took a step away from the front of his car where he has been leaning for God only knows how long, and made his way over to me. He put his arms up in an "I'm innocent gesture."

"You seem like you're having a pretty rough night, and by the way you were pacing before I got here, you have no clue what to do so I just figured I'd offer my services to a pretty girl, who shouldn't even be out in this town this late." He offered with a smile

"Well in that case then, thank you, a little help is needed." And as if my car had a mind of its own right at that moment it completely clonked out making sounds I didn't even know a car could make.
"I stand corrected a lot of help actually." I mumbled with a bitter laugh.

Mystery man had picked up on my sarcastic remark and laughed to himself before looking up at me with a smile.

"My name's Derek, Derek Hale. Now what do you say, you take any important stuff from your, I drive you home and call a tow truck for you. You look exhausted, and you definitely don't be need to be out waiting for tow alone this late." He said with a smile and offered his hand out to me.

I took his hand and shook it slowly unsure of why this stranger was being so gracious towards me, but I brushed it off. It was late and I was absolutely exhausted.

"My name's Azalea Holly. And I think I'm going to take you up on your offer Derek." I
said with a genuine smile.

The car ride was short, but it was sweet. Most of the duration home the small black camaro was filled with laughter, and bittersweet moments of the both of us opening up on our past, and our lives that seem to move at 100 miles per hour. I was sad to see the the name of my street coming up, this was a short encounter but it was a nice one, I couldn't remember a time where I talked to someone new considering there wasn't really any new people in Beacon Hills, this place wasn't exactly a place people were rushing to move to. I was best friends with Scott and Stiles and actually really close with Lydia Martin and her boyfriend jackass, but never to the point I am with Scott and Stiles. Mostly because I never listened to Jackass and Lydia when they would tell me that I should drop the nerds. Scott and Stiles were never nerds to me, they were just Scott and Stiles, the only two people who have always been there and stayed there.

I was ripped from my train of thought when the Camaro came to a slow stop.
"Well this is me." I announced with the most excitement I could muster up. I began to gather my stuff and get out of his small camaro, but was stopped in my tracks by his warm hand encasing my wrist. I turned my head slightly to look at him, since before this I was so wrapped up in making sure I didn't forget anything, I completely forgot about him.

"I'll go back to your car and make sure the tow actually comes to take it to the shop, and I'll call you when its all fixed up and ready to drive, given...." He trailed off averting his eyes to the steering wheel and stiffening up.

"Given what?" I asked slightly leaning closer towards him, since his whole demeanor changed and he had moved away from me completely.

"Given I could get your number, and a promise that I'll see you again, beyond the car." He spoke his words so smoothly, yet so swiftly, that if I wasn't listening close enough I would have missed half of it.

I smiled at him sweetly before asking for his phone to put my number into, and I sent a text to myself just to make sure I had his number too.

"Well here you go, and as for that promise"
I paused slightly with a teasing smile. "I think it could work out in your favor Hale."
I shot him a wink before leaning over the console of the car to kiss him on the cheek, and spoke a gentle good night, before getting out of his car, and walking my way up my drive way. I never turned back around to see his expression, since I was too shocked by myself, I could only imagine what he looked like.

I managed to make my way up to my room, without being caught, and collapsed on my bed in bliss, to be home and in my bed that I loved so much.

Before I drifted off into a deep sleep, I was plagued with the thoughts of the mystery man thats had royally saved my ass tonight. As a kid you're always taught "stranger danger" and yes my mom drilled that into my brain, and taught me never get into a strangers car, or even talk to strangers and too just completely brush them off, but there was something about this one. Derek Hale was a mystery, from the moment I met him, a very unexpected mystery but one that I desperately wanted to unravel.

Wowwwzaaa its been a quick minute since I uploaded guys, I owe you all an apology,
I am trying to get back into regular updates!  I have been crazy busy, but I promise I'm getting back into the swing of this! I love y'all for sticking around. See you in the next update! (Hopefully soon) Don't forget to show some love, and leave some comments to let me know what you guys think! I'm gonna try and update either on Fridays or Saturdays once a week.

just to make some clarifications, Azalea is friends with Lydia and Jackson, she just never would leave behind Scott and Stiles, no matter what. Also she was coming back from a really bad date with a douchebag lacrosse player Lydia set her up with.
PSA: This IS  the night Scott got bit by Peter, Azalea wasn't there and was with Derek on this night for very special reasons regarding her future plot! 

Also, all rights sadly go to Jeff Davis, I own nothing but Azalea Holly and her plot.
Song of the chapter: Young God- Halsey

Word Count: 1432 (total)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2017 ⏰

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